Part 19- Henry

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Henry had always identified as unlabelled. He had only ever had girlfriends but he was open to anything if he liked a person.

He was visiting his mum at Meredith's house and when he got there he realised the house was empty. It was around seven so he thought she must have a night shift or be out for dinner. He sat in the lounge and watched television he didn't have any where to go so he thought he might as well make use of the free television.

At around ten the door opens and Bailey stumbled in. "Hey Henry." He slurred. He was clearly drunk. He gagged and looked like he was about to throw up so Henry moved him into the bathroom and Bailey threw up in the toilet. Henry took him upstairs when he was done and made sure he got into bed ok. "You know you are hot, very hot." Bailey said as Henry looked down on him in bed. "And your drunk, very drunk." Henry replied. But before he could pull away and leave, Bailey pulled him in for a kiss. Henry pulled back and left the room quickly. He had never felt so good when kissing, it felt like fireworks. Henry knew Bailey was drunk and probably wouldn't remember in the morning but he knew he wanted to kiss him again.

The next day he went round his mums house again at around one in the afternoon. Bailey was sat in the kitchen very hung over. He had just woken up and was mortified that Henry had to put him to bed. "Hey Henry I'm so sorry about last night." Henry thought Bailey meant the kiss and so he replied. "So you remember then." Henry said. Bailey didn't know what he was talking about so he tried it think about last night. Suddenly he saw the image of him kissing Henry. "Oh my god, I remember." He said. Even though he was drunk at the time he remembered the fireworks he had felt. He smiled as he thought about the kiss. "So you liked it then because I did as well." Bailey was surprised he didn't think Haney was gay. "Sexuality is fluid and I think I like it when we kiss." Henry said. He could see the confusion on Baileys face when he had said he liked it. Henry's pager beeped and he left in a hurry leaving a very confused but happy Bailey at the kitchen table.

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