Part 72- the fight

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It was about 1am and Meredith and Addison where both on the night shift. At this time they got a lot of drunk people coming through the hospital doors. That is what happens on this night. A group of around 7 men walked into the er. "Hey um my mate got hit by a motorbike." One of them managed to slur while the others all just drunk giggled and murmured. One of the men clearly had a badly broken arm. Meredith went over to help the man. As she got closer she realised his coat was covered in blood. "Is this your blood sir." She asked.
"What blood?" The man slurred. After a while with the help of some interns she managed to get all of the men sat down where they were supposed to be. "Page ortho." Meredith said.

After ortho had checked the guy out they decided to take him up to surgery. That left the 6 drunk men in the waiting room. One of them was asleep the other was throwing up. The final 3 men where having an argument. "Ya know it's your fault jonnys in surgery. You brought that stupid bike." The first man said.
"Yeah well I knew how to drive it you where the one who run him over." The second man said.
"Guys it was jonnys fault for getting in the way." They continued to blame each other for a while until it became physical. The first man reached across and punched the second man. The third man saw this and joined in. Soon all 6 men had some how ended up in this massing pile on the floor. They all threw punches at each other and they rolled around on the floor of the waiting room.

At this time Meredith walked in. "Woah. Woah. Woah." She said. "You guys have to stop. Guys." She said. She tried to stand between the men but she only got in the way and one of the men punched her while trying to hit his friend. Suddenly they all stopped and looked at Meredith who lay on the floor. "Oh shit." One of the men said. "We've killed her." Another said. Meredith was very much not dead. In fact she lay in the floor moving and she had her eyes open. She stood up and walked out the room. She paged security and Addison.

Security escorted the men out to the parking lot where they would have to wait for their friend. Addison sat in the waiting room with Meredith as she held a cold compress to her head where the man had hit her. "That's gonna leave a bruise." She said. As she took of the cold compress to look at Meredith's head. "How the fuck did this happen anyway." Addison asked. Meredith explained and by the time she had finished the guy in surgery had finished. "I have to go." She said and her and Addison left the now quite waiting room.

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