Part 44- in the 21st century?

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(T.W homophobia)

Addison and Meredith had a free hour so they sat in the cafeteria and had a coffee together. They kissed as Addison left to see a patient but that kiss unknowingly almost cost her her career.

The patient she was going to see was a woman who was pregnant with triplets. Her husband had been in the cafeteria that same morning and had seen Meredith and Addison kiss.

Addison walked into the patients room. "Hello mrs. Russel" she said "I've just come to see if everything is ok with the triplets." She moved the ultrasound and just as she was about to put the gel on mrs. Russell's stomach when her husband stopped her. "Please don't touch my wife." He said. "If your worried about the ultrasound it won't do anything or harm your babies or your wife." Addison said. She was confused she had never had a patient object to an ultrasound after they had already booked the appointment. "No I want the ultrasound I just don't want you." He said. "I saw you earlier. In the cafeteria. Doing gay things. In public. I will not let you touch my wife or my babies." He said. Addison was taken aback. She thought that in this day and age people would have accepted everyone. Seeing as Addison was newly out she had never experienced homophobia on this level before. She walked out of the room.

"Addison can I see you for a minute please." Bailey said. "Is it true that you walked out of a patients room and refused to treat her. Mr. Mrs. Russel had launched a complaint and are threatening to sue." Bailey knew this couldn't be true but she had to look into every complaint just in case. Addison was astonished. "They refused to let me treat them. He made me stop the ultrasound. He saw I was gay and didn't want me treating his wife and babies. What are they gonna sue me for, being fucking gay." Addison was so angry. Bailey let her go.

Addison sat in an on call room crying. She had paged Meredith. "Hey. Are you ok. What's wrong." Meredith said as she walked in and saw Addison crying. "A patient I was supposed to treat today, her husband was in the cafeteria when we kissed and so he didn't let me treat his wife and now they are suing me for refusing to treat a patient." Addison said. Meredith hugged her. She had also only been out for a year as she hadn't experienced homophobia on this level before. Her and Addison had had a few funny looks while they held hands or kissed but no one had ever said anything.

Carina was now treating the couple and they did not know she was bisexual. Carina had considered telling them but she thought she would wait till after she had treated them. After all it was non of their business and she didn't fancy getting sued for her sexuality as well. As carina was finishing up Addison came in to apologise to the couple for 'refusing to treat them'. "Mr. and Mrs. Russel I and so sorry about what happens earlier. I hope you will consider not suing me. I seem to have got the wrong end of the stick earlier when you refused to let me treat you wife and them said I refused to treat you instead." Addison said sarcastically. "Oh and if you sue me you will waste your money with lawyers because no one will believe you if you try and say i refused you care. I am one of the best OB/GYN's In the country. And I am gay. It's not a big deal. You need to start living in this century." Addison walked out of the room.
"Oh and by the way I also have a wife." Carina said as she also walked out of the room. The couple where astonished.

Bailey sat down with Addison in her office. "While I do not support talking to patients in that way I can accept that in this situation it was the right thing to do." Bailey said as she smiled. "Oh and the Russell's withdrew the complaint and have decided not to sue you." She said as Addison walked out. "I'm sorry this happened to you at this hospital. You should be able to feel safe here. I'm sorry." Bailey added. "It's ok. It's not your fault some people just haven't caught on to the 21 century yet." Addison replied and left the room to go home to her beautiful girlfriend who she loved very much.

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