Part 40- wedding

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Addison had wedding fever. They had about fifteen mini cakes on the kitchen table. Addison had three bridesmaids. Violet, Naomi and Charlotte. She had  flown them over from LA. Meredith had three as well: Maggie, Amelia and jo. Although both of the women knew Amelia she became Meredith's bridesmaid to even it up.

The two women where in separate rooms. Addison didn't want to tempt fate with another divorce.

Addison's room.
"Isn't that the dress you wore to marry Jake."   Charlotte said in her unmistakable Alabama accent. "Well i mean yes but Meredith won't know that." Addison said. The women laughed. "Addie your loaded why didn't you bye a knew one." Naomi said. Addison stammered looking for an a answer. "W-well ya know it was just all so short notice and I W-well I didn't have time while I was doing everything else. And then it got to yesterday and I realised I still hadn't got myself a dress. It was way to short notice to get one fitted then so I had to wear this one." Addison said frantically. "Oh god she's gonna know. Shit. Shit I've ruined another wedding." Addison was spinning out of control.

Meredith's room:
"Tequila, tequila." Meredith and jo sang in the tune of Shakira's hips don't lie. Maggie and Amelia sat on the coach in the room. "She's wasted. She's gonna be rolling down that isle if we don't make her sober up soon. Ceremony's in two hours." Maggie said. "Trust me no one can get sober in two hours. Not from that state. Trust me I've tried." Amelia said as both of the women looked at Mer and jo. They had just begun doing body shots. Meredith was wearing Amelia's wedding dress from the day she married Owen. Amelia had bought a new dress to marry link but after the wedding scout was Ill and had thrown up on her and ruined her wedding dress.

What the women didn't k ow was why Meredith was drinking. She was so ashamed of betraying Derek. She thought if she could just get through the day she could forgive herself. She did really love Addison but Derek was her soulmate and she couldn't betray him. The only way she could think of getting through the day was being black out drunk, maybe at least that way she wouldn't feel ashamed because she would t remember the wedding anyway.

In their drunk state of minds Mer and jo went round to Addison's room. They climbed in trough the window. (Which should have been easy considering in was a ground floor room with massive windows.) they fell onto the hard floor and made a loud thud, then a crunch. The three bridesmaids and Addison rushed over to see jo sitting up and rubbing her head while Mer lay on the floor holding her arm. Both of the women where giggling.

Addison and Amelia and Maggie drove in the car to the hospital. They had to take jo in for a suspected concussion and Mer in for a suspected broken arm. "You where supposed to be watching them" Addison said as she gestured toward the two women. Jo was now teaching Mer how to fake cry but both of them couldn't stop laughing. When they got to the er Addison stayed outside with Amelia. "Do you think she actually wants to marry me." Addie said. "Of course she does." Amelia said. "She loves you more than anyone science Derek." That was when it hit Addison. Derek. Derek was her soulmate she would never be better than him. "Oh shit. Derek." She muttered as she went inside to find her  fiancé.

Meredith sat in a bed. She was on morphine and she was loopy. Jo was asleep in the chair next to her. "Hey babe." Addie said.
"Heyyyyyy, my booootifle." Meredith slurred. She hugged Addison. "Do you wanna marry me." Addison asked. She wanted to get it out the way. And if she asked while Mer was on morphine at least she knew she would get an honest answer. It wasn't right but she knew she had to. She didn't want Mer to be unhappy for the rest of her life. "Nope." Mer said loudly. "I love you but Derek is my husband. I can't cheat on him. Even if he's dead. Cos I still love him as well." Mer said. Although she was pumped up on morphine she wasn't as high as Addison thought she was. Small tears started to fall down addies face. "I love you too. I thought you didn't want to marry me cos you realised you didn't really love me." Addie said.
"So your not mad then." Meredith asked.
"Of course not how can i be mad at you. You just want to stay true to Derek." Addie said. "I'll tell them to skip the ceremony and let everyone enjoy the party." Addison said as she curled up next to Mer on the bed.

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