Part 37- neuro day

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Today was the day the Zola was on Amelia's service. Along with Zola came Henry so Amelia was looking forward to day with her niece and godson. They where going to be observing Amelia resect a frontal lobe tumour. It was going to be the first time Henry had seen his godmother operate and he was very excited.

Amelia picked Zola and Henry up on her way to work. She usually car shares with Mer and Addie and Maggie, but she decided today she was gonna drive in with Zola and Henry so she talk to them about the case in the way into work.

"So are you excited to kick some frontal lobe tumour ass." Amelia said as Henry and Zola got into the car. Henry had spent the night with Bailey. "Yeah." Zola mumbled. Henry just nodded slowly. "Am I missing something. Why aren't you excited?" Amelia asked.
"Someone kept the whole family up last night. With their noise." Zola said as she looked accusingly at Henry. Henry just shrugged. The two younger doctors sat in the back in silence.

It was 8:30am and Amelia was due to start surgery at 9:00am. Henry and Zola prepped the patient as she went over the procedure one last time in her head. She went to scrub.

"I'm resecting the tumour. Bohkie sponge." Amelia said as she looked at the tumour the patient had in the frontal lobe. "Do you see how I'm going gently. The brain is powerful but easily breakable." She continued as she reacted more of the tumour. She looked up to the gallery to see her sisters. Although it might seem like a normal procedure it wasn't. The tumour had been deemed inoperable by many doctors however just like Derek she believed that inoperable didn't mean impossible just hard. Henry and Zola where mesmerised by the surgery.

"Wow that was amazing auntie Amelia." Zola said.
"Yeah it was awesome. You just saved a mans life." Henry added. Amelia was very proud of herself. Maggie came into the scrub room. "Wow Amelia you did good in there." Maggie said. Maggie's opinion meant a lot to Amelia she had always seen her as having this perfect life and so it meant slot to her that she saw how good Amelia was.

It was three hours after the surgery and the doctors sat in the attending lounge. It was a relatively quiet night. Amelia's pager went off and she was confused Until Maggie ran past the door. "Amelia, you patient with the frontal lobe tumour. He's coding." She ran on followed by Amelia.

'Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep' the monitor omitted a continuous tone. "Amelia he's gone." Maggie said. "But, but I took it out. I saved him." Amelia said stunned.
"It wasn't your fault it was the anaesthesia. He had a reaction. There was nothing you could have done.

Amelia Henry and Zola sat in the car In silence. Amelia dropped Henry off at his apartment and left to drop off Zola. "You know that you did everything you could." Zola said.
"But I didn't. I got his tumour yes but I also gave his family false hope. I told them I could do this and I did but then he died anyway. It's worse when you think the threat is gone. If you know it's coming you can prepare if you think the threat is gone and then it happens it's so much worse. I took away that threat and now their pain is so much worse." Amelia said. Zola didn't really know how to reply so they sat in silence until she was dropped off.

Amelia was sad for the rest of that night but when she woke up she had to do it all again and it was a new day. She had new patients to help. 

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