Part 67- flashback 2

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(P.s flashback 1 is part 13)

"Hiya" Arizona said as she stepped into the elevator. "How are you. And Derek. And little Zola. And that one growing inside of you." Sue pointed at Meredith's pregnant belly. "Do you know the gender yet." She asked.
"No. Well the ultra sound said it was a boy. But that could have been a tumour not a tiny  penis." Meredith said. Arizona was armed. She had worked with many expecting mothers and none of them had ever wondered if a baby's penis was actually a tumour. But then this was Meredith so sue couldn't really expect much different. "Oh I I've tiny humans." Arizona said. She stepped off the elevator and Meredith walked with her. "Have you got a good surgery today." Meredith asked.
"No." Arizona responded.
"Yeah me neither." Meredith was making small talk but she only really had one real question that she wanted to ask Arizona. She could have asked Callie but she was in surgery. "So when did you know you liked girls." Meredith said.
"Whoa ok. That's weird. Um I dunno. When did you know you liked guys." Arizona said. She was taken aback by that question. Sure she had been asked it before but not out of the blue. "Yeah. Um I dunno." Meredith said. She started to walk away. "Um. I have a um surgery." Meredith said. Although she had just told Arizona she didn't have a surgery. Arizona knew something was up. She would get to the bottom of things. If there was one thing she was almost as good at as surgery it was solving mysteries.

It was later that same day and Meredith and Arizona where int eh same elevator. It was an accident and Meredith had tried to get out as soon as she realised what was a bout to happen. They stood silently until Arizona set of the alarm. "So are you bi then." She asked.
"What. No. No way." Meredith answered.
"Ya know some people say the gaydar is bull shit. But they would be lying." Arizona said. "Also you sound exactly like every in the closet person I have ever met. 'What. No no way.'" Arizona said mockingly. Meredith laughed. So did Arizona. "So you like women then." Arizona said. Meredith nodded. "But I mean I love Derek as well. I would never cheat or anything. I dunno I just think I also like women. Can you not tell anyone please." Meredith said.

Just a few seconds later the bell on the elevator binged as Arizona had taken off the alarm. "Did you set off the alarm." Derek said as he stepped into the elevator. "No, just got held up on the last floor." Arizona said as she got out and winked at Meredith. Derek was confused but he let it go.

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