Part 79- confrontation

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It had been two days since Addison had come across Meredith's diaries. She honestly didn't know how to confront Meredith. She obviously knew that she had to do it at some point but she isn't didn't know when. If she confronted her she would have to confess to reading her diaries without her permission.

She waited until the night, when they her both in bed. She turned to face Meredith and tell her what she knew. "Mer. I think we need to talk."  Meredith was obviously confused because she had no idea what Addison was on about. "Ok." Meredith hesitantly said. "What about." She asked.
"I saw your diaries." Addison said. "I know about Adrian." She said.
"When you say you 'saw' my diaries you mean you read them. Without my permission. You read my fucking diaries." Meredith said. "I thought they where your mothers and you have always said I could read those but then I started reading and I knew they where yours. But I had started then and I couldn't stop." Addison said. Meredith said nothing in retaliation. She just stood up silently and walked out of the room. A few minutes later Addison heard the car start. Meredith was gone.

Meredith drove to jo's apartment. Luna was in bed so jo and Meredith sat in the front room. "Why are you here. It's nearly midnight." Jo asked. She had a bottle of bee and Meredith had tequila. "Addison read my diaries." She said. Jo seemed confused. "Ok and. It's not like there was some deep dark secret in there." She said laughing. Meredith sat in silence sipping her tequila. "Nooooooo. What was the secret. Mer. What was it." Jo asked. She was like a child who wanted to know what their Christmas present was before Christmas. "Well I'm not going to tell you. That would defeat the point of a secret diary." Mer said. "If I wanted her to know I would have told her." Meredith added.
"Look if it's that bad maybe you should just talk to her. Tell her it's all in the past." Jo said.
"Yeah but that's the problem. It's not all in the past." Meredith said. She took a final drink of tequila and got up to go home. "Maybe you should stay here tonight." Jo said. "You might not want to drive in that state." She added.

Meredith slept on jo's sofa that night, or at least she was supposed to but the thought of Addison knowing her secret kept her awake all night. Jo was right they where going to have to talk because that diary only told half the story.

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