Part 25-Amelia

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Amelia and link live in a family home only a few minutes drive from Meredith's house. They had their three children and they where very happy. Amelia loved link and link loved Amelia.

Link was still the head of orthopaedic surgery at greys Sloan. He still had his trustworthy surgeon Niko by his side for every step of the way. Niko had married Levi shortly after the pandemic ended and they realised they could not live without each other. Link really liked Niko and although they worked together they where best friends as well.

Amelia had been clean since 2015 (when Nathan Riggs kick started her relapse after her and Owen had had a fight. It was around the time Meredith was attacked by a patient which was very hard for Amelia.). Amelia knew that once scout was born she could never get high or drunk again because she didn't want to endanger him. She had made it clear to link that she had once been an addict and he understood her situation.

Amelia had a great relationship with her sisters Meredith and Maggie but still felt like the black sheep of her biological sisters. They still saw her as the fifteen year old drug addict she had since outgrown. She loved her grey Sloan family more than ever and they had helped her through the toughest moments in her life. She would be forever grateful for them.

Amelia walked in to the elevator and she looked at Richard. Richard had become frail in his old age and no longer worked at grey Sloan however he had spent most of his life there and had no outside life so he spent most days in the attending lounge talking to whoever would listen. Everyone still called him chief Webber. "Hi." Amelia said. She had always had a special bond with Richard because of his personal experience with addiction. They had helped each other through tough times and knew secrets about each other no one else did. "Well, Dr. Shepard. Nice to see you." He said in his usual cheery voice however now, although his voice was still cheery it was frail and sounded old. He had always liked Amelia and felt a close bond with her. "Have you got surgery today." He asked.
"No I don't, would you like to eat lunch with me." Amelia replied. She knew that Richard could get lonely on the days that everyone had surgeries. They walked off toward the cafeteria.

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