Part 82- the wedding

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The next morning Meredith went round to the motel again. When Alexandria opens the door she wore a plain white dress with black heels. She looked beautiful. Adrian was sat in a wheelchair. He was wearing a suit. Meredith had come to drive them to the church.

When they arrived Adrian took his place at tue alter and Alexandria walked down the aisle. Meredith had a front row seat and was already crying  as soon as the music started. As the happy couple said "I do" everyone in the church was crying, (Meredith, Alexandria, Adrian and the vicar.)

Meredith drove back to Seattle that same day to see Addison. She had been gone for three days and in they time she had seen her dying husband for the first time in over 30 years, she had gotten divorced and she had cried at her recently ex-husbands wedding. It was safe to say she was tried. When she got home it was late so she went upstairs. She didn't even have the energy to get h dressed so she just crawled into bed with Addison and slept.

When she woke up Addison was looking at her. "How was Kansas." She asked.
"Good. Adrian got re married and I got divorced." Meredith said.
"Well it seems eventful. And how is Adrian." Addison asked. Meredith's heart dropped "well his cancer is a lot worse that I thought. He has two weeks maybe a month and there isn't much anyone can do other than make him comfortable."

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