Part 80- confession

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When Meredith woke up jo had already left and taken Luna to school. She had an early shift so she left a note telling Meredith that she had gone to the hospital. Meredith had to get dressed into her clothes from the previous day. She drove back home the next morning. The whole way home she was thinking about how she would phrase what she had to say.

When she pulled into the driveway she was nervous. She opens the front door and walked in. It was silent so she went upstairs. Addison was still asleep so she had a shower and got dressed in new clothes. By this time Addison was stirring from her sleep. "Hey. You came home." Addie said. "Of course I came home." Meredith replied. "Why wouldn't I." She asked. She knew they where about to have a conversation she didn't want to have. But nevertheless she sat down and was ready. "Well the secret. Ya know the one in the diary." Addison said. "You could have told me that was why you didn't want to get married. I wouldn't have minded." She added.
"I did want to marry you I just couldn't. And it's easy to say that now but you would have minded and I just didn't want to hurt your feelings. I love you. And what happens with Sadie and Adrian in Europe was just one big mistake." Meredith said.
"You married him. You married a stranger Meredith. I think it's a bit more than a mistake." Addison said. "I was young and I didn't know I married him I was drunk." Meredith protested.

It was true. While I'm Europe with Sadie Meredith had married a starter. His name was Adrian. While hiking around Europe Sadie and Meredith slept their way into hotels and hostels. That night they couldn't find and hotels or hostels in the area. Two kind men offers their house as they had a spare room. That night the men and Meredith and Sadie got very drunk. They somehow ended up in a Romanian all night church and got married. Sadie had married the other man. In the morning Sadie and Adrians friend got divorced but Adrian had left leaving Meredith married to him. With no contact they had no way of getting divorced. 

"Anyway there is something else you should know. The day before I was going to marry you I got a call out of the blue from a hospital telling me my husband was ill. And that they couldn't get hold of him so that called me. Once I had clarified that they meant me I knew I couldn't marry you.  Not when my 'husband' was so ill. So I called Adrian and he told me about his cancer and that he needed my insurance because he lives in Romania and they don't cover all of the costs so I agreed and that meant I definitely couldn't marry you because I was giving him my insurance. Even if I wanted to." Meredith spoke very fast because she was trying to get everything out fast. Addison was taken aback by this new information. All she knew from the diary was that she had married him not that she was in contact with him or that he was dying. "He moved to Kansas with his wife a few months ago. Well I guess she isn't really his wife but that's what he calls her." Meredith added.
"Why Kansas." Addison asked.
"It was the only place they could afford. They aren't super fortunate and so that's why I'm giving them my insurance. But it would only work if he was in the us."
"Oh." Addison replied. She was very surprised.

The women spent a few more minutes talking but then Meredith went downstairs and Addison got in the shower. After listening to Meredith's side of the story and hearing about Adrian cancer Addison was less mad. She had drawn the worst conclusions from the diary.

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