Part 76- visitor

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"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." Meredith shouted as she ran down the stairs. Addison have her a confused look. "What is going on."
"Cristina is coming." She shouted. And she ran all the way to the front door. She put on some shoes and ran out the door. Addison was even more confused now. "Well I guess it's just you and me little guy." She said as she looked down at Jax the dog. Even the dog was confused at why Meredith had just run out of the door.

About three hours later Meredith arrived back home. "Addie can you help me Carrie all of this." She said. Addison came out the house to find at least 6 or 7 bags filled with tequila. "Woah Mer do you really need this much." She asked.
"Yes." Meredith simply answers before going into the house. The bags the making noise because of all the glass.

"Ya know I had to go to 2 different stores." Meredith said. "Apparently it's 'suspicious' if you buy 7 bottles of tequila in one store." She said. She put air quotes around the suspicious to show how disgusted she was. Addison just laughed. "Well I would sell you 7 bottles of tequila." She said as she stood up to leave. Meredith just continued to mumble about how it was normal to buy that much tequila at once.

"I am going to the airport at three tomorrow to pick up Cristina. So we can start drinking at 4 when I get back. So then maybe 1 bottle every 3 hours and I don't think we have enough for 4 days" She said. She was wondering if she needed to make a last minute trip to the shop for some more tequila. She got in the car and came back with 5 more bottles. "Well if we don't drink them now I can always drink them when she has gone home." She laughed at her own joke.

"Oh my god. I can't believe Cristina will be here tomorrow." Meredith said. She was very excited.

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