Part 54- new car

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Meredith and Addison where driving. They where coming back from a lunch with Amelia. A red light suddenly shone from the dashboard. "Hey what does that mean." Mer said pointing at the light. "Oh that is the check engine light. It does that sometimes." Addison said.
"Have you ever actually checked the engine." Meredith asked.
"No. I think of it more as a suggestion. And anyway if I'm driving how am I gonna check the engine." Addison said. Meredith was just confused but before she had a chance to answer a weird grinding sound came from Addison's car before smoke came rising from the front of the car. "Pull over. Pull over. We need to get out the car. That's not supposed to happen." Meredith said. Addison pulled over the car and the women got out. Meredith called AA and when the man got there he said there was nothing he could do. The car was rubbish it should have broken years ago. They needed a new car. They had to call a tow truck to tow the car into their barrage and the next day they would go to the dealership.

It was a Monday morning and the two women entered the dealership. "Hello ladies what can I do for you today." The very smiley man said as he walked up to them. "Hi yes me and my partner would like to buy a new car." Addison said.
"Yes well what sort of car are you looking for ma'am." The man asked. Meredith had never understood some people's fascination with cats. In her mind they where just something to get you places. Addison talked to the man. Meredith knew she had no idea what she was talking about but she made a pretty good show of knowing what she was doing.

After nearly and hour and a half the women had chosen a car and they went into a small office to negotiate the price. Now if there was one thing Addison knew more about than surgery it was money. She had grown up with it and she had always lived with it. It was part of her. She had seen the best and worst parts of it. She knew her way around negotiating. one thing she had learnt was men would do anything if they thought you fancied them. She decided to use this to her advantage. She purposefully leant forward and she wore a revealing top. Meredith was oblivious to this but the salesman wasn't. "I know you can do better than that." Addison said and did a cute laugh. The laugh Calicut Meredith's attention. She knew that laugh that was Addison's flirty laugh. As Meredith continued to watch Addison closely she saw how she looked at the man and pretended to flirt with him. Eventually Addison managed to get a price well below the original. She walked out of the dealership with new keys and a massive smile on her face. "What the fuck was that. You practical fucked the man with your words." Mer said.
"I was just playing the game." Addie replied. "What game?" Meredith asked "how do you know how to play 'the game'?" Mer continued.
"Well there's a lot of things you don't know about me baby." Addie said. "I have many, many secrets." Addison whispered into Meredith's ear.

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