Part 69- new couch

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Meredith and Maggie had been shopping. They where in the car on their way home. The man with the couch they had ordered was going to come tomorrow. They had gone to a furniture shop because Meredith and Addison needed a new couch. "So what happens to the old couch anyway." Maggie asked. Meredith looked at the floor as if she was embarrassed. "Well. Ya know. Me and Addie where just ya know. And then stuff got places and the couch stained."  Meredith said. Addie had told her not to tell Maggie about their accident but she had anyway. It took Maggie a while before she understood what Meredith was saying. But when she did she pulled a horrified face and they sat in silence for the rest of the car journey.

They got home and Maggie had to leave to pick up her kids from school.

It was the next day and Maggie was back to help Meredith put together the sofa. They thought it wasn't flat pack but apparently it was. They lasted out all the prices and Meredith was already putting the parts together. She had started to put the wrong parts together. "Woah we need to read the instructions." Maggie said.
"Mags. We are surgeons. We literally save people's lives for a living. I think we can put together a couch without the instructions. Plus there the ones with those wired pictures and no real words." Meredith said. She was very confident. Maggie was less confident but because Meredith had already started she did the same and started to put together random pieces.

About 3 hours later. The couch was ready. The women sat on it and after about 5 seconds it started to creek. After 15 seconds everything fell to the ground. At this precise moment Addison walked in. "Hey??" She said. She had a confused look on her face as she watched the two women try to stand up amongst the rubble of couch pieces. "Hey." Maggie and Meredith said.

The women decided to leave the couch until the next day because Ethel both had night shift and it was mealy time for them to work.

When Meredith and Maggie came home in the morning the walked in to find a fully assembled couch. Maggie had come to crash at Meredith's because her kids where with their dad. Both women lay down on the couch and working a minute they where both fast asleep. During the night Addison had assembled the couch and placed it in the living room. She had followed the instructions and had put the couch together in under half an hour.

Maggie was leaving when she turned around to the women and said "oh and maybe next time you should cover the surface before you have sex there." She closed the door and left. But from outside she could hear Addison shout "you told her." And Meredith laughing hysterically.  

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