Part 27- crash

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Amelia and link sat in the car with their four children. They where on their way to Meredith's house as Ellis was babysitting them for the day. They where driving down the road when they saw a deer. Link swerved to miss it and he ended up swerving into a ditch at the side of the road. A few seconds later he woke up hearing Jem (his son screaming.) being an orthopaedic surgeon, just by looking at him he could tell he had broken his arm. For a moment link was relieved that none of the kids had extensive injuries. Ten he looked over at Amelia who had not moved or said anything science the crash. "Amelia. Amelia. AMELIA." He said. He was getting worried so he called an ambulance. He got all of the kids out the car and made them look away as he pulled Amelia out of the car. He had already checked he pulse, it was weak but he could feel it so he was hopeful.

'NEE NAW NEE NAW' an ambulance came blaring down the road and stopped in-front of the car wreck. "Sir has your wife moved scum e the accident, has she been awake sconce the accident sir?" The ambulance worker asked link. "No. I'm a doctor. Her pulse is weak but I can feel. And one of my kids has a broken arm." There where three paramedics all together and two helped Amelia as the other checked out the kids. "We are going to take you and your family to grey Sloan memorial hospital." The paramedic said.

Meanwhile at Meredith's house Ellis was starting to get worried it had been over an hour since the Lincoln-Shepard children where supposed to arrive and she still hadn't seen them. Amelia was always late but this was extremely late even for her. She called both link and Amelia and both of their phones went to voice mail. Then she called her mother and her phone also went to voice mail. Finally Ellis called Addison and she picked up. Ellis had grown to like Addison, although at first she saw her as a wannabe replacement for her dad, now she saw her as a great girlfriend for her mom. "Hi Ellis." Addison answered her phone. "Your moms in surgery, is everything ok." Addison asked. "Yeah everything is fine it's just Amelia and link haven't shown up their nearly an hour and fifteen minuets late. That's late even for them I'm starting to get a bit worried. And I can't reach either of them." Ellis said. Addison's heart dropped at hearing the news. She had felt like something bad was going to happen that morning she just didn't know what. "Oh god well I will try and get hold of them I will call you when I know something." She rang off and at they moment Owen walked up to her. "Dr. Montgomery. Something bad has happened, you need to prepare yourself. Link and Amelia have been in an accident. Link and the kids only have minor injuries but Amelia is going to need brain surgery. Koracick is going to do it." He said. Addison dropped to the floor and started to cry uncontrollably. "Is she going to live." She asked. But she didn't need an answer Owens face said it all. Amelia might die.

Koracick got Amelia into surgery and the gallery was full of weeping doctors. "Get them out of here." He said. "I get that they love her but them crying while I stand here with a scalpel in her head won't help. We have a whole hospital there must be something else to do." Owen went up to clear the gallery. He still didn't like koracick but he accepted that he was an amazing surgeon.

A few hours later Tom was still operating in Amelia. When suddenly she went into v-fib. 'Beep beep beep beep' the monitor beeped as Amelia's heart was in v-fib. "Charge paddles to 200." Koracick shouted "CLEAR." He said but the monitor flatlined.

To be continued.......

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