Part 43- back to work

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It was Meredith and Addison's fist day necks at grey Sloan memorial hospital. "Jon doe male around 30 with a gsw to the upper thigh and a stab wound to the abdomen" Owen shouted as he pushed the trauma patient into a trauma room. He had paged Mer to help with the abdominal wound. "This isn't a job doe this is archer Montgomery." Meredith said. She had only met Addison's brother twice. Once when she was a resident and archer had brain parasites and once when they had their almost wedding. He was supposed to have left Seattle just a few days after the wedding, which was over two weeks ago.

"Who is that grey." Owen asked.
"That's Addison's brother." Meredith said. From the two times she had met archer she had gathered that not many people liked him. And she had heard stories from Derek who certainly didn't like him. However to Addison he was the world and Addison wouldn't be able to live properly ever again if he died. Meredith knew she needed to save him. "Are you ok to work the case because ewe need to get him up to the or right away. This is urgent he might not live." Owen said. Just as he said this a piercing scream came from behind them. Addison dropped to her knees. She was crying uncontrollably. Meredith felt so helpless she couldn't leave archer or he could die but she had to comfort the love of her life as well. Owen started to push the gurney and Meredith followed leaving the nieces to pick a distraught Addison off the floor.

"What is she doing up their." Owen said as he looked at the gallery. Addison was sat up their with Bailey. "Turn on the intercom." He instructed. "You need to go. You can't be here it's to hard." Owen said. However Addison stayed no matter how much he tried to get her to leave but eventually he gave up and let her stay. After eight and a half long hours archer was sent to the ICU to stay overnight until he woke up.

"Hey are you ok." Meredith said. She walked into archers room. Addison was sat in the chair. She hadn't left archers side since the surgery finished. "Yeah. I'm sat next to my dying brother. Alone." She emphasised the alone and looked right at Meredith. "You know I had to do what was best for my patient. You know I had to save your brother." Meredith protested.
"I needed you as well. Just a hug then you could have helped him. You could have got to the or two minutes late. The nurses had to pick me up off the floor. I was embarrassed, I screamed and cried so everyone looked at me and my own wife didn't help me. Oh wait no that's rig your not my wife. I needed you." Addison said. Meredith walked out of the room. She knew Addison was scared and she knew she probably didn't mean what she had said but a part of her knee it was what she was thinking deep down it's just now she wasn't scared to say it.

Meredith sat in the chapel. She wasn't praying to god but to Derek. She spoke to him sometimes when she was in need of guidance. She wasn't sure if he listened as much since she kinda loved his ex wife, but it helped her to think there was always someone to talk to no matter how bad her life was. He was always there. She spoke to him about archer and how it was touch and go but they saved him. She asked him how she should speak to Addie after the way she left her crying on the floor and finally she told him she loved him even though he wasn't here to say it back to her. She didn't get many answers and she still didn't really know what to do but she felt calmer about the situation.

Addie walked into the chapel. The last time he was where she prayed and he pulled through. She hoped it would happen again. When she walked in she was surprised to see Meredith in there as well. "Hey." Addie said. "I'm sorry about earlier. I'm just so anxious about archer. I love him so much and I can't loose him. And what I said to you about not being wives, that was a low blow. You didn't deserve that. I'm sorry." She rested her head on Meredith's shoulder and they sat in a comfortable silence for around 15 minuets until Meredith was paged to tell her archer was awake.

"What the hell archer. Why the hell where you shot." Addie asked. Now archer was awake and he was going to be ok her sadness and worry had turned into anger. Archer had to explain that he had stayed in Seattle for a girl he had met. But it turned out the girl owed some people some money. So when they raided her apartment they shot and stabbed archer in the process. He didn't know where the girl went so he would have to speak to the police. Addison was still mad at him for not telling her he was still in Seattle.

"Well that was an eventful first day beach at work." Meredith said in the car in the way home. Meredith was going home to sleep but Addison was just having a shower then going straight back into the hospital to sleep in archers room overnight. "Yeah. Why can't we have one normal week where nothing bad or weird happens." Addison asked.
"Well then life would be so boring." Meredith said. "And if nothing bad ever happens when would you drink tequila" she added. "You know you don't have to be sad to drink." Addison said. Then laughed when Meredith looked at her like she was speaking a different language.

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