Part 63- surgery together

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"36 year old female. Penetrating wound to the abdomen. She's also pregnant." The paramedic said as she pushed the gurney into the trauma room. "Page Dr. Montgomery and Dr. Grey." Owen said as he rushed off to help the women in the trauma room.

"Hey where are you going." Meredith said. She was running down the corridor to the elevator. "Pit." Addison said. Both women got into the elevator. They stood in silence. The doors opened and they both burst out of the elevator ready to work. They ran into the trauma room to see the women on the bed. She did not look good.

"She's got a penetrating wound to the abdomen. It's missed the maybe but it's hit the spleen and the liver. We need to get her to the or right away." Owen said and he started to push the gurney. Mer and Addie followed him into the elevator. It was an awkward elevator ride because they all stood in silence. When the doors opens they pushed the gurney to the or and then they went to scrub.

Addison had just got the maybe out when the mother started to code in the table. "We're loosing her. What do you want to do." Owen asked.
"Um. Paddles. Charge them to 200." Meredith said. "Clear." Thud. The paddles shocked the women and she regained a good rhythm. "Well she's certainly a fighter." Owen said.

It was about 4 hours later and Meredith had nearly finished her surgery. She had taken out a part of the liver and she had removed the spleen altogether. She hoped to use her mini spleen technology later to help the women love a filler life in the future. 'Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep' the monitor was beeping because she was in v-tach. "No. Not now." Meredith shouted. "Charge to 200. Clear. Charge to 300. Clear. Charge to 360. Clear." The women flatlined. They tried CPR for 20 minutes but she was cold and dead. Nothing was bringing her back now. She was gone.

Meredith stormed out of the or. She was mad. She had almost saved the women. "Hey how was she. Are you done already. How is she." Addison asked.
"Dead. She's dead." Meredith said as she stormed down the corridor into an on call room and locked the door. 'Knock. Knock.' Addison knocked on the door. "Go away. I'm not in the mood right now." Meredith said. Addison kept knocking for a long time until Meredith opens the door. "Your really annoying ya know that." Meredith said. "We loose patients everyday why are you so mad." Addison said.
"The baby is never going to meet its mother and she's never going to meet her baby. she died not even knowing her baby was ok. You did your part I just didn't do mine." Meredith said.
"Well your the whole reason there even is a baby. You kept her alive long enough for me to get the baby out. You saved a life today even if it wasn't the life you meant to save." Addison said. She placed a soft kiss on Meredith's forehead and hugged her.

They stayed there for a few minutes until both of them had to leave. It was only halfway through their shift and they had to see more patients.

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