Part 58- anniversary

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"Hey so I was thinking we could do something. Ya know cos it's like a year since I came to Seattle and everything." Addison said. "Yeah I guess." Meredith said and she walked out of the room leaving Addison in the bedroom. "Do you know anything. Meredith's been acting really weird all day." Addie asked Amelia.
"Nope." Amelia said and then she too walked off. "Hey Maggie. Mer and Amelia have been acting really weird today you don't happen to know anything about that do you." Addison asked. She had become paranoid and now she had to get to the bottom of this mystery. Why where they all acting so different. "Erm no. I don't think so. Um I have a surgery I need to get to." Maggie said and then she rushed off just like the others.

Addison had a very quiet day today so she was very bored. Usually she would talk to other doctors but everyone seemed occupied. Even Richard who seemed to spend most of his days in or a round the hospital was no wear to be seen. Addison sat in the attending a lounge and  ate her salad alone and lonely.

"Look whatever your gonna do you better do it now because addies getting suspicious." Maggie said as she walked up to Meredith who hid behind a tree outside the hospital. "Yeah and also I'm hungry and you don't have food. I am going to need to go inside soon so I don't starve to death." Amelia added. "What's your plan anyway." Maggie asked. "I got all the nurses to cash in any favours they owed me and they let me use the nurses lounge so I set up a cute romantic meal thingy with this Italian waiter guy." Meredith said. "Bailey recommend him to me she said Ben did a similar thing."

Addison had been alone for a few hours and she was starting to get very bored of her phone and she just wanted some human interaction but all of the people where gone. "Hay baby. Can you do something for me." Mer said as she popped her head around the door frame. "Look I just wanted to talk maybe we could just have a conversation." Addie said.
"Please." Meredith said and she brought out her puppy eyes. "Fine. You know I can't say no to those eyes." Addison replied and she followed Meredith out of the attending a lounge.

"Why are we going to the nieces lounge." Addison said once she realised where they were going. "Don't tell me it's ana other baby shower. How is one of them always pregnant." Addison complained. But as soon as Meredith opened the door she was quite again. "Wow. Mer this is beautiful." Addison said. There where fairy lights everywhere. "Madam. Would you like to sit. I have wine for you as well." The waiter said. He had a thick Italian accent. "Oh my god Meredith this is so romantic. Is this why everyone has been sneaking around all day." Addison said. Meredith nodded but she wasn't entirely telling the truth.

After dinner the women were about to leave and go home when Meredith convinced Addie to go back to the attending a lounge first. She said she had left her bag there but in reality there was another surprise waiting for Addison. In the small room many doctors and nurses stood cramped together. "She's coming." Amelia whispered. She turned out he light and everyone was quite. "I'll only be a minute I think my bag is on the coach can you check." Meredith said and Addison walked into the lounge. "HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY." everyone shouted. Addison jumped but then she relaxed and started laughing. She was surprised and she looked back to see the women she loved happy and that made her even happier.

"I don't think people usually hold party's for one year anniversary's." Addison said on the way home. "Well I wasn't going to but everyone insisted on coming. You are a well liked women and all the other nurses and doctors was yes to show you that even iff it was only one year. It's been one of the best years of my life." Meredith said. The women continued home and Addison realised how much she really did love Meredith.

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