Part 81- trip to kansas

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Meredith set off with a weeks worth of clothes. She wasn't planning on staying a week but just in case. The drive to Kansas was long and Meredith was tired when she arrived. She knocked on the door of the run down motel room. "Adrian." She said. A small woman with dark hair opens the door. She gestured for Meredith to come in. A frail man lay on the bed. He had an oxygen mask. "My wife Alexandria." Adrian said. He struggles to speak. Alexandria smiled warmly. "Hello I'm Meredith." Alexandria and Meredith shook hands. Adrian coughed loudly. "I didn't know your cancer had gotten this bad." Meredith said.
"He is not good." Alexandria said. She seemed to struggle with English but Meredith understood her well enough. "What type of cancer do you have?" Meredith asked.
"Cancer of the kidney, but it is everywhere now." Adrian said. Meredith knew the outcome for cancer as bad  as this was not good and her insurance couldn't save him, nothing could.

"Adrian I don't think the doctors can do much for you." Meredith said as she sat on a chair close to the bed.
"They have told me the same thing." Adrian replied. He had a tear his eye. "Can I ask for one more thing from you before I die." Adrian said and Meredith nodded. "I would like to divorce you. I want to die a married man to the woman I love. Even if I am only married to her for a few days I want to be able to say I married the love of my life." Adrian was crying by now and so was Meredith. "Of course. I will divorce you as soon as possible."

Meredith had been phoning all of her contacts over night and had gotten the divorce papers by the next day. She knocked on the motel door and Alexandria let her in. "Adrian I have the papers. You just need to sign them and it will be final by tomorrow."
"This is great." He struggled to say. Hi signed the papers and Meredith left .

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