19: The Devil's Hound

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A loud boom signaled the start of the ensuing massacre.

  The knight that made the attempt at Melty's life was speared through the chest as the front line of the knights was blown apart by the explosion from your cannon. The blood that splashed your face from the initial stab was only the beginning. The drops before the storm.

  You ripped out the saw spear, letting the knight fall to his knees as you turned a circle, hefting the saw spear. As you turned a circle, the spear was swiftly and suddenly replaced by the burial blade, which you swung with the speed of a demon.

  The last thing the first knight saw was his headless body, as his head fell to the ground, spewing blood.

  "R-retreat!" The regrouping line was starting to panic as you hefted the cannon again. With a wicked smile covering your face, you grabbed a folded piece of wax paper. Your party watched you sprinkle some ashes into the canon barrel, before aiming it.

  Your arm was kicked back a bit as the carriage first carrying the knights was reduced to splinters and spewing blood. You put away the cannon, spinning the burial blade again. With a leap upward, you swung the scythe at some retreating knights. As you dropped to the ground, the group burst into fountains of blood, falling to the ground. You landed deftly, dashing forward in a sprint.

  You slid under the next trembling knights leg, severing his foot as you passed. As soon as you stood up again, you planted the scythe in the knights back, turning the knight's screams of pain up to 10. They were silenced when you flicked the burial blade to your side, using another attacking knight to end the life of the one on your blade. The shocked knight took a few steps back as you collapsed the blade, smoothly placing the folded handle onto our back as you flipped the lone dagger in your hand. After a moment's hesitation, he lifted his blade to attack you. Poor choice.

  You almost slid past his blade, planting your own in his gut. He gasped in pain and shock, which was cut short when you ripped the blade upward, separating his right and left sides. You looked ahead, seeing more knights running. You sneered at them, lifting your now empty left hand. A dull red glow emanated from it, before the bodies near you burst into fountains of blood and light.

  The light sound of a bell ringing reverberated through the air as fleshy, grotesque Scourge Beasts emerged from what was left of the knights bodies. You pointed your finger towards the fleeing knights.

  "Kill, maim the knights. Bring as much pain as possible." You ordered. With barking howls, the beasts ran off at unnatural speeds, rapidly catching up to the screaming knights. You watched in sick pleasure as they were finally caught up to, and the first fell. Then the second. And then a third.

  "T-the king won't have this!" A scared voice behind you stammered. You turned your head, then your blood soaked body towards one last knight, who was shakily holding a crystal ball up.

  "The-the entire kingdom will see your crimes, and hunt you down!" He declared. You stepped towards him, flipping the dagger in your hand for more downward stabbing.

  "Then let the entire kingdom know that I will personally hunt down any traitorous bastard that would lift their blade against the first Princess." You ordered. The knight took a shocked breath as you lunged forward, taking the ball and knocking over the knight, keeping your knee on his chest.

  "See this and hear me, people of Melromarc!" You shouted into the ball, hoping someone was watching.

  "These poor bastards of knights made an attempt to take the life of Crown Princess Melty Melromarc! As their judge, jury, and executioner, I have sentenced them to death by any means!" You raised your dagger, stabbing the knight in the stomach first. He screamed in pain as you took the dagger out, letting blood flow freely.

Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now