17: Wave Two

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5 minutes.

Your time until the next wave was running short, and you spent the last hour checking your personal stocks. You had enough fire paper and consumables for an army, and you had just restocked Raphtalia's supply, so you were both doing well. The boss was helping Naofumi make sure he had the potions and weapons for the rest of the knights and any villagers caught in the wave, should they wish to fight. You wouldn't blame them if otherwise. You wanted a bigger fight than any beast, normal or otherwise, could provide.

  "Y/n, how does this look?" You looked over at Raphtalia, who was holding her hand out to you. On her wrist was a golden bracelet, with a single green gem laden in it.

  "It looks quite nice, especially on a hunter like yourself." You told her. Raphtalia smiled at your compliment, readjusting her sword on her back.

  "I hope the weapon has no need of replacement yet." You remarked, looking at the bladed sheath.

  "Nope! Still as good as new!" Raphtalia told you.

  "Now, I believe it's time, no?" You asked. The timer counting down to the wave was approaching ten seconds. You readied the Burial Blade, twirling it around you for a few seconds, before resting it on your shoulder.

  "Now...." You looked to the sky, as a golden light surrounded you and everyone to join Naofumi's party.

  "...we're off." Raphtalia finished.

  "Be right back!" Filo shouted. You closed your eyes, letting the feeling of the warp overcome your body.


  A blood red sky greeted you when you came to. Without hesitating, the knights took off, for the nearby village. So they were to evacuate the village, as the Shield Hero's main party focused on simply killing things. Truly a waste of your time, but one you'd have to tolerate.

  You simply wandered the village, twirling the Burial Blade as beast after beast tried in vain to attack you. Each one fell to the ground in a matter of seconds, as the occasional group of villagers ran by, escorted by knights to the evacuation point. You performed a quick flurry of swipes on a scourge beast, severing it's front legs, before planting the scythe's blade into its skull. You sighed in disappointment, taking out the blade. You gripped the handle with both hands, and spun in a circle. A second later, you heard the top half of a lizard man fall to the ground.

  "Woah... amazing..." you looked up to see a pair of young knights admiring you. You flicked the blood off your blade, giving them a small bow, before continuing on your way.


  Three hours of a boring hunt had passed. You had easily cleared out more than half of the village of beasts, while the knights, alongside Naofumi, Raphtalia, and Filo, took the rest. You were about to start simply patrolling the village out of boredom, before you caught the sound of Filo's running, heading towards you.

  "Y/n, hop on!" You looked at Naofumi, who was gripping Filo's reigns as the bird slowed down. Before she could stop, you ran forward yourself, gripping part of Filo's, reigns to hoist yourself up, preventing the need for a stop.

  "Those other hero's seem to be taking quite a while." You remarked.

  "Yea, that's why we're going. To end the wave ourselves if we have to." Naofumi told you. You smiled at the sound of that.

  "Understood, Naofumi." With Filo dashing through the trees, you kept your gaze skyward, before Raphtalia pointed to your left.

  "Look!" She shouted. You turned your gaze over to see what she was on about, as a large shape made it's way into your vision. That shape was a giant ship, seemingly sailing straight onward. As you watched, a number of explosions went off on its side, reeling the ship for a moment.

Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now