1-Rise of the blood

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The king took surprisingly kindly to your letter from the queen.

He read it quietly, in front of the four heroes. The bow hero was a short guy, with messy hair, absentmindedly holding a bow bearing a yellow gem in the middle. Beside him stood the sword hero, a tall, dark haired boy wearing blue clothes and bearing a white sword with a similarly colored gem.

After the sword hero came the spear hero, a rather tall male with blonde hair in a ponytail. His spear held a red gem just under the head. Then, came the hero you were to swear allegiance towards.

The shield hero. He wore a green hoodie, and looked rather plain. Not as plain as the bow hero, but plain nonetheless. His dark hair nearly covered his eyes as he eyed you uncomfortably. Seems the heroes could at least feel your presence.

"Oh very well." The king sighed, rolling the paper again.

"I'll have the paper destroyed as a sign of my acknowledgment. Everyone may choose the hero they stand behind now, I guess." With that, the line of people started moving, one by one, to stand by their preferred hero. The shield hero had his eyes shut, likely to keep his allies a surprise. You, unsurprisingly, came last.

Everyone looked at you in suspense as you looked at each of the heroes. Then, you started to step forward. The mood in the room seemed to shift when you passed by the Bow Hero, Itsuki, then the Sword Hero Ren, the Spear Hero Motoyasu, before stopping behind the Shield Hero, Iwatani Naofumi.

  The shield hero finally opened his eyes, looking behind him to see you. Only you.

  "Only you?" He asked, looking at the other heroes, who each had between two and five allies.

  "I am afraid so, sir Shield Hero." You stated, looking around.

  "Er, May I join the shield hero?" A rather unsettled voice spoke up, and you looked over to see a red headed young lady. She was beautiful, but that's not what you saw.

  You could see the queen in her, meaning this was likely one of her daughters. You eyed her carefully as she moved to stand behind the shield hero. The spear hero spoke to her, asking confirmation. You watched as coins were passed out to each of the heroes, before everyone was dismissed.

You walked behind the Shield Hero and his female companion, staying quiet as you listened to their conversation.

"So, we got 800 silver coins, huh?" Naofumi stated. Myne Sophia, the new companion, nodded.

"With that, we'll be able to but decent equipment for ourselves!" She spoke cheerily. As you continued walking, you noticed something in the bottom right hand corner of your vision.

"An icon, huh?" As you looked at it, some kind of screen appeared in front of you.

Y/n L/n
Great One
Lvl #̧̡̧̨̡̧̢̨̨̧̧̨̨̨̨̧̢̢̡̛̛̛̦̣͓̗̗͙̬͚̹̫̥̮̼̘̭̝͎̗̩̰̖̟̪͈͍̲͕̯͙̖̝̟͔̜̙̟̙̭̯̮̼͚̹̫̫̞̖͓̰̭̪͚̩̗͚͍͚͍̯͕̳̺̘͎̠̖̯͙̜͙͔͉̫̘͈̱̠̼͎͖̣̯̫̪͖̰̳̼̬̠͖͙̹̱̹̺̤̬̝̙̖̦͙͚̯͈̣̳̪̥͍̖͍͍̗̯̗̰̬̩̤̜͓̦̝̘͙̻͚̣̣̦͕͙̤͉̪͇̘̬̤̫̩͍̺͕̲͇̘̭̗̬͍̪̝̘̱̻̮͚͕̖̟̥͕̰̠̬̭͓͕͎̝͇͔̟̻͈͙̹͚͖̟̮͉͇͕͎̣̱͚̻̱̳̱̫̮͓̜͓̗͔̱̩̳̮̜̣̱̻̖͓͓͚̫͖̤͕͛̆̑̑̽̀͂͆͗̀̋͋̈́͆̾̿̈́͗̾̽̎̋͒̇̅͊̀̍̓͊̀̑́͛́̋̈̄͛̋̄̊̓̌͊̓̀̀͐͌̓̑̐̃͆̄͊̒́̓̑̄͐̇̽̊̉́̄̂̀̎̑̀͋̔̅́͒̔̓͋͂̅̍̑̆̒͂̐̿̆̅̒̆̽͌̾͋̔̋̈́͑̄̉̒̽̈͗̍͐̅̀̇̀̏̇͑̈͆̇͛̈́̑̀̾̏̽̑̎͌͂͐̿́̀́͐͋́̀̌͗̅͒͛̊͆̾̍̐̐̌̒̃̓͑͗͑̊̀̇̓̃̄̂̔̽́̒̆͗̐̌̓̈́̓͊̑̃͂͂͌̒̐̅́̈̈́̍̔̒̉̎̿̇̊̈̑̄̐̏̿̍̈́̐̊͛̿̇̑̀̈̆̓̆͊̋̂̕̚͘̚̚̕̚͘̕͘̕̕̚̕̕̚͘͢͢͟͟͟͜͜͟͟͟͟͢͢͟͞͠͡͡͡͠͡͡͡͞͞͞͝͠͠ͅͅͅ#̧̧̡̧̧̧̡̡̢̧̧̢̢̧̧̡̡̢̨̢̧̡̧̛̛̛̛̛̛̝͉͍̠̖̻̫͔̤͚͎͓̤̩̲̠͉̩͚̠̻̱͖̗͓̣̩̗̠̞͓̞͙̙͚̩͕̲̫͎̼̼͎͍̹̜̰͙͓̖̬̙̱̜̱͕̫̼̳̹̞͔̙͙͍̖̤̪̹̲̤͔̟̰̰͕̳̻͖̰͔̯̟̫̫̟̞̱̩̞̲̭͙̹̙͙̥͎͔̰̗̼͚̳͍̖̪̮͔̠͓̖̲͉̫̯̫̤͔̺͉̮̣̰͍̩͈̪͇̹̜̜̞͍͕̩͚̣̫̰̩̗̗͍̱̻̼̲̣̜͈̮͔̝̱̳̣̲͇̠̯̭̰̹̠̫͈̦̘̫͚̭̖̝̟̣̲͕̗͎̘͚̘̝̼̜̮̠̪̬̺̘͎̻͎̫̱͚͓̞͎͕͚͈̰͍̟͎͕̯̬̖͈͈̖͔͙̮̞̻͕̻͖͓̞̭̱̦̜̮̩͒̐͑͑͛̀̌̽͌̏̀̔̊̽̉̃̆̒̓̍̍͌̃͂̾̎̌̐̊̈͛͊̃̎̿̒̒̐̄̋͒̋́̋̌̓̀̆͗̒̃̏̆͆̇͒́̾̌͑̓̿͆͗̿̓͊̒̀̎͛͐̓́̏͋̅̌̓̌̀̽̄̽̇̊̒̑̀̿̒̆̎̅͂̀͒̓̄̑́͂̒̊̈́̾͑̌͂̈̓̒̋̐̄̉̈̋́̂̽̎͋̀͗̀̋̐͛̈́͆̐̿̐̀̈̃̓̾̓̃̈́̔̿̃̔̄́͒͆͂͐̉̓̌̏̀͌͊̓̎̑̍͐̎̈́͆̎̇̋́̓̆́̎͌̑̓͛̈́̏̾̄̒̏̓̒̃̂̎̇͐̄͑̋̉̇̇̌͐͛̓̂̓̌̀̈́̊̔̋̋̏̂̄̍̈̀̎̔͆̓́̇̂̎̀̊͒̈́̎̀́̕͘͘͘̕̚̚̕̕̕͘͘͘͘͜͟͢͢͜͟͜͜͢͜͜͢͜͟͢͟͜͟͟͢͝͞͠͝͡͝͡͝͡͠͝͞͡͡͝͝͝͝͠͡͞͝͝͝͠͠͡͡͡͞͞ͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅ#̨̧̢̢̨̡̨̢̧̢̢̧̢̡̡̧̡̨̨̡̢̨̢̨̡̧̨̧̢̨̢̡̨̢̨̧̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̙͍̠̬͓͙̥͇͉̝̫̘̞͓̮̣͔͉̺̞̫͉̹̣͖͙̫̗̗͔̱͔̳̤̰̤̰̦̫̰̺̮̺̝͍̣̥̰̱̠̯͇̱̼̝̲̳̪͇̠̪͈̜̮̣̝̩̥̼̩̰̗͙͕͚͎̦̪̯̲͈̞͇̪̠̪͓͎̠̥͚̝̬̘̥̭̭̦̗̦̖̼̤͍͕̦̭̜͉͙̦̳̫̯̜̘͚̩̲̙̤̺͎͕̮͉̠̳̞̻̞̗̲̹͓̦̤̙͈̝̱̘̹̣̪̗̯͉͕͈̲̜̜̱̬̙̫̟̤̪̺̗̫͍̭̭̳̟̫͕͎͉̙̲̞͈̺̹̗̘͔͎̯͔͖̪̖̞̼͈̱̤̫̻̟̣͎͇͇̻͚̭͔̮͇̰̞̱̗͈͚͔̹̭̰͚̟̳͇̜̝̪̖̫͉͈͉̤͔̯̩̯̟̰̙̠̜̞͇̻̳̬̗̼̠̳͔̤͕̜̥̼̲͓͍̲̲̟͚̹̣̻̺̝̖͎̹̤̯̜͙̯̤͇͇̦͓̣͙͕͔̜̯̩̩͉̬̞̖͈̖̝͓͚̮̼̠̩͔̱͍̥̞͓͍͇͍͓̣̳̣̳̦̤̻̮͉̳̺̯̟̺͚̭̗͚͎̞͓̼̰͕̖̘͖͉̲͈̖̗̹͉̠̬̙̯͈̲̪̣̟̞̰̰̜̯̲̜͈͖͚͇̘̦̰̗̻̟̬͖̟̺̹̞̰̯͚̞̭̘͍̱̯͖̺̜̗͉̣̟̻̦̙̦̹̮͓͕̹̝̠̠̻̥̘̥̝͓͉͈̻͕̘̲̜̰͙̻̰͖̝̞͚̞͕͚̺͉̟͚͉̱̭͍̓̎̏̈͌̆͑̇̓̈́̀̈́͌̾̑́̐̇̓̇̍͛̏̑͒͊̈́̇̒̄̒̏̀̅̈̆̾̓̉̇́͑̋͊͆́̊͆̀̄̀̿̍͗̿̾͛͗̂̍̿̑̄̉͋́́̑̔͛̂̎͌͐͐̆͒̈̀̋̓͊̆̓̂̋̈̃̂̔͐͗̽̌́͆̀̓̌̐̂͂̓̓̏̀̅̑̽̒͋͋̅̀͋̈̒̌̈́̒̐̄͋̇́͗̓̔͌́͗̐̾̃̽́̿͐̈͗͊̽̊͒̒̂́̑͂͒̔̈́̑̓̒́̓͋͆͒̐̒̄͒̋̃̾̾̌͒́͋̌͛͐̆̇̐͆͆̎̈͗͌̌̍̅͛̋̎̇̉̑́̔͆̿̈́̉̆͂̓͋͒͆͑̊̇̀̓̂͛̃̿̌͛̓͒̓͂̓̈́̀̄̀̇̽̈̔͋̂̃̅̂́͋̑̋̈́͑̇̏̽̎͌̉̏̅̑̓͂̑́̀̊̀̈̆͗̆̆̐͑͊̓͒͋́̏̾͑͗̋́̃͐͑̔̾͆̀̃̐̇̽̃̔̂̋͛̑̄̿̏̄͗̀͐͊̾̆̂̈́̍̊́̉̈́͑̋̇̌̋̌͊͆̓̿͑̉̊̒͐͒͌́̈́͆̒̇̔̎͊͂̂̓͂̿̏͋̓̿̏̀͗̉̀̉̐̄͋̇̔̆̓͆́̾͆̀̎̓̐̅̊̏͒̂̊͂̀̓̈̈͆̓͌̃̌̀͌̋͛͛̅͊͗̾͒̀̆̀̉̉́̌́̓͌͋̀̇͌̈̋̕̕͘̚͘͘̚̚̚͘͘̕̚͘̕̕̕͘̕̚̕̕̕̕͘͘̚̚͘̕̕̚̚̕͘̚͘̕͘̚̕͘̚̕̚̚͘̚̚͟͢͟͜͟͟͜͢͟͟͢͜͢͜͢͜͢͟͟͢͜͟͜͟͟͜͟͢͜͟͜͝͝͞͠͝͠͡͝͠͝͝͝͝͡͞͝͞͠͝͡͠͞͞͡͞͠͝͠͠͝͝͝͞͡͠͡͞͡͞͠͡͠͡͡ͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅ

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