2: Rise Of Beasts

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  With a swift cut, a beastly balloon popped, spraying out blood as shreds of orange hide fell to the ground. Your blood was beginning to take further effect. These balloons were growing stronger. Their legs were more developed to taking low, stealthy stances, to ambush, latch onto, and burrow into their enemies. Alongside this, they began to bleed. Popping them would cause a small explosion of infected blood as well, indicating suicide runners in later stages of life.

If balloons alone changed this much, how would the stronger enemies be affected? You turned around, swiftly switching to the trick form of Ludwigs Holy Blade(by placing the weapon in its sheath and using the sheath as the blade of a massive great-sword), and speared another balloon, splattering the blade and the grass around it. You continued walking into the field, looking for more things to kill.

"Excuse me sir?" From behind you, someone called out. You turned back to see a small group of guards in knights armor.

  "Are you the shield hero's companion, by any chance?" The one in front asked. You slowly nodded, placing your sword on your back. The guards looked between each other, muttering as they looked at your bloodstained clothes, evident of a late night hunt.

  "Then, we have no choice but to place you under arrest."

    "From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you would be nothing but trouble!" You heard shouting from the other side of the door to the throne room. You hadn't been tied up or even cuffed, just escorted to the throne room. The doors opened, and you were met with a rather unexpected scene.

  Naofumi was on the ground, a shocked look plastered on his face as the king shouted at him, before noticing you.

"And YOU! To think that you would help commit such a heinous crime!" He shouted at you. You looked from Naofumi, to his companion Myne, who was hiding behind the Spear Heroes back, to the king again.

  "....being outside the town at night?" You asked. The king's face grew even angrier at your response.

"Don't you get cocky!" He turned towards the red headed 'victim.'

"Myne, I apologize to do this to you, but-"

"It's fine..." Myne spoke timidly.

"I entered my room, a bit drunk from last night... and both the shield hero and his companion forced their way in... and his companion held me down as the shield hero began to...." she let out the fakest sob you ever heard as you began to understand the whole situation.

Myne was accusing you and the shield hero of.... ((*Ahem*)) violating her.

You looked around the room at the various people, who all stared at you with hatred. Then a familiar scent began to fill your nose. The sickly sweet scent.... you felt your hand twitch towards the handle of your sword.

"Wait, no! This is all a misunderstanding!" Naofumi yelled out. He looked to Myne for support, to see her mischievous smile, as she stuck her tongue out and pulled down her bottom eyelid in a classic 'got ya' face.

"Y-Y/n! Please, tell them that...." he looked back at you to see you holding your original weapon, that massive cleaver with the saw on the backside of it.

"...Y/n?" He called out to you. You looked towards him, past the spears of several guards.

"Guards! Why does he still have his weapon!?" The king called out angrily. One guard tried to get to you, to grab your weapon, before you held up a hand, stopping him.

"We don't have time to argue." You spoke. Despite your low volume, everyone seemed to be able to here you.

"A scourge is spreading, and we must stop it." You said, looking at all the guards. One of them began to sweat, panting.

Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now