22: The Four Cardinal Heroes

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  "Good heroes, take cover."

   With a start, Itsuki awoke, sitting up. This wasn't the cave he was in before.

The air he took a breath of was clear, refreshing. Nothing like where he and Ren were.

Where they were... that's right.

The two heroes were investigating the Three Heroes Church out of mistrust. Their investigation led to the discovery of the existence of a legendary weapon, a replica of the four Cardinal Weapons. They went to the shrine it was supposed to be stored in, and Itsuki felt a coming attack, something massive. He yelled out to Ren, as a female voice echoed in his mind, and now....

Itsuki was on his knees, staring down at a stone path. Beside his hands, his bow rested as he panted.

"Urgh..." Itsuki looked beside him, where Ren was laying on the ground, regaining consciousness.

"Ren!" Itsuki moved to help the sword hero up.

"Itsuki... where are we?" Ren asked, holding his sword in one hand.

"Be not afraid, good heroes." A familiar voice spoke in front of them. Startled, Ren lifted his sword, pointing it at the pale woman who stood in front of them.

"You..." Ren slowly lowered his weapon as Itsuki picked up his bow.

"You're the one who spoke to us." Itsuki said. The woman smiled, nodding her head.

"Indeed. I am sorry I could do no more than deliver a futile warning." She told the two, bowing her head.

"Okay, but where are we?" Itsuki asked.

"I believe we died, and this is the afterlife." Ren stated. The two received a light giggle in return.

"No, and Yes... in a way." The woman answered.

"In a way? Who are you, exactly, and why are we here, if we're not dead?" Itsuki asked.

"I am merely a doll, an assistant for the Great One who brought you here." The Doll answered.

"The Great One... you mean Paleblood!?" Ren raised his sword again, alert.

"That is one of many names he hath been called over the ages, yes. But fear not, he harbors no ill will towards you Good Heroes." The Doll assured Ren.

"Really? Then... why are we here?" Itsuki asked.

"Why, to protect you." The Doll responded.

"Protect? You mean..."

"Yes. Without the Great One's aid, you would be gone, dead. I would not be here to speak with you." The Doll confirmed.

"If Paleblood brought us here, then where is he?" Ren asked.

"I see you finally reach for the true questions. Please, come with me." The Doll walked forward, between the two heroes. The surrounding area was covered in a light mist, but could be made out as a hillside. White flowers covered the ground, surrounding countless tombstones, many of which were too worn to be read.

The doll guided Itsuki and Ren down a path, to an open pair of iron gates.

"Come, step through these gates, and you will be face to face with the Great One." The Doll promised. Reluctantly, with a glance to each other, Ren and Itsuki stepped through.

Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now