10: Filo

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The rest of that day passed, with nothing of significance happening, until Naofumi and Raphtalia made the decision to finally go to bed, as you watched over them. You took this time to tend to your weapons in the dream. Repair, add some gems to increase damage, and rework your runes until...

  "Hey, wake up!" You opened your eyes, looking at Naofumi, who was looking at his monster egg. Silently, you pushed off of your wall, prodding Raphtalia. She squirmed for a moment, before waking up. With her awake, you walked over to Naofumi, who looked at the cracking egg.

"Finally hatching?" You asked. Naofumi nodded, watching flakes of the shell fall off, revealing feathers.

Would've been nice to see a dragon here. You silently admitted, as the egg burst open, revealing a rather chubby little bird. It looked straight at Naofumi(open eyes at birth. Strange), before lunging forward, hopping onto his head, where it immediately began to nestle itself in.

"Hey! Wha-" Naofumi spike up in surprise as you lightly chuckled at the sight.

"It must believe you're it's mother." You told him. He groaned as the creature got itself comfortable.

"Yeah. What is it anyway?" Raphtalia asked, scratching her chin. You studied it, looking to the door.

"Well, we'd best ask some villager." You put in.

"Yeah, I guess that's the right choice." Naofumi agreed. He was surprisingly calm with a bird making a nest from his hair. It was rather amusing.

"That? That's a Filolial." A villager answered, pausing his work to speak with Naofumi.

"A filolial?" Raphtalia asked. The villager nodded, pointing outside.

  "We lost most of ours to the waves, and the scourge, but there's still some healthy ones over there." Looking in the direction of his point, you spotted two large birds, just staying in a field.

  "They like pulling carts, and even become restless if you don't let them. It's just in their nature." He stated.

  So beings like this just live in this world, and nobody questions how. Guess that's why slavery is accepted. You looked back to the villager.

  "What do they eat?" You asked.

  "When they're young, you should start with warm bean paste, but as they grow older, they'll start eating whatever you give them." The villager told you. This reminded you of a rather legendary creature you had already utilized in battle before.

  The Madaras twins grew up alongside a poisonous snake, and developed a silent, inhuman kinship.
The poisonous snake grew uncontrollably, raised on a healthy diet of beast entrails. Even after their deaths, it is said to respond to the call of the twins' whistle from within the Nightmare.

  "If you level it up, it'll become big much faster." The villager told Naofumi. You noticed Raphtalia looking out into the field, seemingly contemplating something. You nudged her side, startling her for a moment as you motioned to the open field.

   "The sun shines on us, Raphtalia. This field would make for a good sparring grounds, no?" You asked. Raphtalia looked to her new weapon, and back to you.

  "Yeah, it would. Are you willing to help me learn this new weapon?" She asked you. You gave her a short smirk, drawing the shortsword version of Ludwigs Holy Blade.

  "I am more than. Let Naofumi handle raising his bird for now. I must continue to raise my own being." You spoke.

   You and Raphtalia stood about ten feet away from each other. Raphtalia was trying to analyze your stance, to get a sense of your first move. You only slowly circled, enticing her with the opportunity to attack first.

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