7: The First Wave of Scourge

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The first thing you registered was ringing. Bells, ringing all around you, as the light dissipated.

"Where are we!" Naofumi asked, looking around as Raphtalia looked to the sky.

"There it is!" You looked up in the air to see massive rolls of yellow light move through the sky, like time lapses of galaxies moving.

"The Wave of Catastrophe." Naofumi spoke with awe.

"No." You corrected him. Naofumi looked at you as you looked around you, the bells growing slightly faint.

"The Wave Of Scourge." You spoke. From the sky, hundreds of creatures descended, ranging from bats to demons. Beneath you, the other heroes rushed into the fields ahead.

"Those guys...." Naofumi looked back at you two.

"Y/n! Raphtalia! We're going!" He was quickly stopped when Raphtalia pointed in another direction.

"Look there! It's the village of Lute!" She pointed out.

"Have the villagers evacuated?" You asked, drawing the Rakuyo, splitting the weapon into sword and dagger. From a distance, with a whistle, a trail of smoke flew into the air.

"A flare? They don't believe that's gonna end their problems, do they?" You asked. After a moment of consideration....

"We're going!" Naofumi declared, running towards the village.

"To Lute Village!" You nodded, following him, with Raphtalia behind you.

    In the already worn down village, a Scourge Beast was cornering a villager, who was almost reduced to tears as the beast stood on its hind legs, about to lunge at him.

  "Air Strike Shield!" A green shield appeared in front of him, blocking the strike from the lupine foe, as you landed on the beast from above, blades moving, swiftly bringing the beast down with one blow to the back, and one to the nape, decapitating the Scourge Beast. Raphtalia landed down behind you, running to the villager.

  "Are you okay?" She asked, lifting him onto his feet. When he was up, you turned to her.

  "Raphtalia, help the villagers evacuate!" You ordered.

  "What about you and Naofumi~Sama?" She asked. You looked at Naofumi, who nodded to you.

  "Naofumi'll lure the monsters away while I take them out!" You told her.

   In the town's center, a large group of villagers was surrounded by beasts, and grotesque, fleshy wasps. They were trying to use pitchforks to defend themselves as the monsters drew closer, when you two arrived.

  "Y/n, handle the ones closest to the villagers, I'll draw the rest away." Naofumi ordered.

  "Yes Sir!" You flicked the blades as they burst into flames, running into battle.

  One Beast Patient that was drawing close to the crowd was sliced into burning ribbons as you jumped onto it, gracefully turning in circles as you cut a wasp out of the air, turning another circle to impale a beast patient that tried charging at you.

  "Look! One of the heroes is here!" One of the villagers shouted as Naofumi ran through a group of monsters, splattering them on his shield.

  "The shield hero's party is here to save us!" Naofumi let out a shout of effort as he punched a Scourge Beast in the head, before you got to it, stabbing it through the head and throat.

Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now