12: Growing Faith

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You carefully inspected a vial of purple liquid, turning it over in your gloved hands.

"Herbicide, huh?" You asked, carefully placing it in it's rack.

"What kind of problem calls for this much, so urgently, though?" You asked. Naofumi shrugged, looking at it.

"Good question. You never came across something plant based when your homeland was destroyed?" He asked you. You shook your head.

"Closest thing to it was a forest full of snakes. Hated those bastards..." You paused, remembering the Forbidden Forest with more than a bit of spite. After that damned windmill, everything was snakes. The guys had snake heads, there were balls of snakes, even bigger balls of snakes, guys with snake heads that summoned balls of snakes, and even the Shadows of Yharnam had snake heads, and summoned giant fucking snakes.

  "Well, either way, I can't think of a logical reason as to why a village would need so much, so quickly." Naofumi told you, looking at the massive crates of the purple plant killer. Seriously, there was tons of the stuff.

"Master, the plants here are amazing." Your inspection was interrupted by Filo calling to Naofumi. You both stood up, looking out the front of the carriage, where Raphtalia ogled at the sight in front of you. And rightly so, you would add.

The roads alone were absolutely covered in massive vines, from the dusty hills from the area the road was dug into, to the ground itself. Flowers sprouted from various segments, as you looked around.

"Yeah, Herbicide is needed, alright." You remarked. Raphtalia's ears twitched, and she pointed forward.

"Y/n, Naofumi, look." She was pointing to a village covered with high walls. It was a shame that the walls did absolutely nothing about the massive vines that tried to climb them, spreading all across the plains around it.

"Filo, take us there!" Naofumi ordered. She spread her wings, happy to receive an order from her master.


The ride was bumpy and long, but you soon reached the walls, getting inside. You and Naofumi were the ones to hop out of the carriage, to speak with the one in charge about the situation.

"Oh thank God you're here. This place was about to fall to the vines too." An elderly man told Naofumi as you stood behind him, silent. Behind you, Raphtalia approached the man.

"Couldn't you have just burned the roots?" She asked.

"We already tried everything we could think of. We even hired some adventurers, but the situation remains grave." You grunted as he continued speaking.

"The village was already overrun with vines, which was bad enough without the plants turning into beasts and attacking us." He continued. You narrowed your eyes, swiftly switching your weapon. Over the tops of the wall, vines slowly crept into view, as a scream echoed out, getting everyone's attention.

That's another for the group of fucking idiots. You thought, as the old man continued his explanation.

"Some adventurers set out to level up. I tried to stop them, but it was to no avail." He insisted. Naofumi sighed, looking towards Filo, who was currently stuffing her face.

"Filo, grab the adventurers and bring them back here." Naofumi ordered

"Okay, be wighed bag!" She declared. She nearly disappeared in a cloud of dust when she ran off towards the village. True to her word, only a few minutes had passed when she ran back into town, carrying three adventurers under her wings.

Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now