14: A Dragonborne Plague

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  The light sound of clinking and tinking echoed through the nighttime air as you laid down in the wagon. Raphtalia and Filo had been laid down to sleep just outside, and Naofumi was beside you, working on a gift for the younger two party members.

  "Hey, Y/n." Naofumi waved you over, and you stood, looking at an array of small gems he had spread out.

  "Which color do you think would match Filo the best?" He asked you. You stroked your chin, reaching down and pointing at a dark blue gem that sat in a pile.

  "That one. Matches her eyes." You told him. Naofumi nodded, pointing at a green gem beside him, out of the way

  "I have this one picked out for Raphtalia. Thoughts?" He asked. You shrugged, studying the gem.

  "I like it, and I'm sure Raphtalia will love it." You told him. Naofumi nodded, continuing his work.

Meanwhile, in the dream realm, you were just as relaxed as always. Since that town you helped save from the plants, you've felt a surging growth in people who would pray to you. It wasn't much, but compared to being forgotten before, it felt so much better. People actually believed in you, and that belief rewarded them with safety, as you didn't allow a beast to even approach a faithful person who prayed to you.

The people began to notice this as well, burning offerings of meat and fruits towards you, and even spreading the word of you to others who passed by.

"Oh Great One, you seem exceptionally pleased today." You heard the doll speak. You nodded, your tail swaying.

Of course, fair doll. The people have begun to believe.

The sun began to rise as your waking body leaned against the wagon, in a position that was supposed to make it appear as if you were meditating. You moved yourself, gaining the attention of Naofumi, who nodded towards you.

"Morning." He greeted. You tipped your hat to him, walking towards the two sleeping ladies of the party.

"Raphtalia, up." You spoke, nudging her with your foot. She groaned for a bit, opening her eyes to look at you.

"Okay..." she muttered, tired. She pushed herself up, lightly shaking Filo as you and Naofumi got to work breaking down camp. By the time you finished compacting the cover Raphtalia and Filo had used, Naofumi had whipped up some stew for breakfast. You continued putting everything away into the wagon as everyone ate.

  "You gonna eat?" Naofumi asked, sipping the broth. You shook your head, scooting some boxes aside to make room for the tarp.

  "Filo, come here after you finish eating so I can get you hooked up." You ordered.

  "Okay!" Filo shouted, standing up as she tilted her bowl towards her, gulping down what little she had left. In a puff of smoke and feathers, the nugget herself waddled over to the wagon, backing into position. You started to hook her up, getting her harness ready, before looking back the way you all would be going.

  Along the road, a pair of people were slowly walking along, clearly in some kind of distress.

  "Naofumi, look." You bode. Naofumi followed your gaze, seeing the pair. He looked into the nearly empty pot of stew, then at Raphtalia, before you cleared your throat.

  "Raphtalia, prepare those two some stew."


  Before long, both were stopped, and seated at a log, picking at bowls of stew with empty looks.

Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now