24: Mirellia's Grace

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  You stood in a well lit room, watching over the bandaged figures of Melty, Filo, and Raphtalia. They were still burned from Naofumi's cursed flames, and had fallen asleep under your watchful gaze. Naofumi was also asleep, albeit suffering from the physical drawbacks of the Wrath Shield. The sun was rising, making way for a new day.

With a last glance and a nod of confirmation, you pushed a chair into the center of the room, before exiting. You still needed to see Mirellia again, regarding the spear that currently rest on your back.

When the sun finally reached Naofumi's eyes, he slowly opened them, lifting a hand to block out the light. He blinked a few times, shaking his head as he noticed a number of bandages on his body. Despite the ease with which he blocked all those attacks, he still suffered damage after all.

"Good morning, Good Hero." His eyes snapped forward in shock as he sat up, alert.

"Naofumi? Is something wrong?" He heard Raphtalia speak up, sounding concerned. Looking around, he noticed Raphtalia and Melty sitting beside his bed, both awake and waiting for him, while Filo was messing with...

"Is that...?" Naofumi knit his brows, studying the familiar looking life sized doll. While Filo played with her fingers, seeing them move, Naofumi looked into those lifelike eyes, somewhat concerned.

"That doll has been here since we woke up. Y/n wasn't here either, but I think that thing is... watching us." Raphtalia shivered at the sight of it.

  "The doll is quite pretty, though. If it was based off of someone, that someone must've been stunning when they were alive." Melty admitted.

  "She was." Your voice startled all four people present.

  "That Doll was made by my old mentor, modeled after one Maria of the Astral Clocktower. She was a beauty among hunters, I will admit. It was shame that she went mad, and I had to cut her down." You lamented.

  "Well, she barely looks like a hunter." Melty pointed out.

  "Thats because this doll is not Maria, nor will she ever be. This Doll is someone entirely different now. The closest thing to an heirloom I own, really." You stated, resting your hands on the rest of the chair the doll sat on.

  "I am not here without reason, anyhow. Naofumi, your audience is requested." You told the Shield Hero.

  "Requested?" Naofumi asked. From behind you, regal footsteps echoed as the queen of Melromarc entered the room, putting everyone present on edge.

  "...I am truly glad you are out of danger." Mirellia stated, walking past the doll, and towards the bedside of the Shield Hero.

  "Mother... I mean, your majesty!" Melty scrambled to appear more formal in front of her mother, an attempt that left you smirking.

  "Allow me to introduce myself once again, as our previous predicament left quite the..." Mirellia looked at you, then the spear on your back.

  "...situation to deal with." She finished.

  "That's right. Y/n, what the hell-" You silenced the Shield Hero with a raise of your hand.

  "Worry not about that, Naofumi. All will be explained shortly. First... well..." you nodded towards Mirellia, prompting her to continue.

  "Thank you. I am the Queen of Melromarc, Mirellia Q Melromarc." Mirellia introduced herself.

  "Thank you for bringing us all here to recover!" Raphtalia chimed in.

  "It was the obvious thing to do, especially with Iwatani. He is one of the four Cardinal Heroes, someone who defends the world from the Waves of... you call them Scourge now, do you?" Mirellia asked.

Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now