18: Fragile As Glass

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  You both stood in silence for a moment, before you raised your blade for an attack. And just as you predicted, that's when Glass first went for the attack. She was fast, but so were you.

  You twisted your blade in time to catch a sidelong swipe aimed at your side, forcing it into an upwards swing. Glass didn't have the chance to dodge the resulting wave of green energy, getting pushed back a few feet by the projectile.

"Not many are so capable of blocking my attacks." Glass stated before she flew off her feet, dashing forward in a frontal attack. You simply smirked, blocking all of her options immediately with a long sweep, sending the Moonlight Greatsword's energy beam at her. Faced with no other choice, she had to leap upwards, before diving down, trying to strike you from above.

All parties spectating gasped in shock when you raised your hand, catching her by the throat.

"Wha-" Glass didn't have time to react before you turned a circle, using your momentum to throw her headfirst into a mast of this ship, splintering the wooden pillar.

"Not many survive getting on my nerves, either. You're lucky I simply see you as someone to test." You told her. You whipped your sword to the side, wielding it with one hand. It's glow started to intensify as you swung it thrice. Once in both diagonal directions, and a third time in a horizontal sweep. Glass seemed to pick up on the pattern you were granting her, and began to swiftly dodge. You smirked at that.

"Naofumi, grant those around here cover. I want to go... well, I want to destroy something." You told the hero.

"Hmph...." begrudgingly, Naofumi raised his shield towards you two.

"Now, Glass, I suppose you can attack." You told your combatant. Her face grew into an ugly sneer as she realized how much you were looking down on her.

"You will regret giving me this chance." She raised her fans, which began to glow with a faint light.

"Zero-Stance Rondo: Reverse Four Seasons..." as she named her attack, you lifted the moonlight great sword upwards, as green energy swirled around you, using the sword as a focal point. Your clothes were whipped around by the force and air currents generated by this, as Glass swung her fans, releasing a wave of violet projectiles, which hurtled towards you.

You felt a few graze your body, and one of them go straight through your shoulder. It didn't even stagger you.

"That's all? A pity..." you sighed in disappointment. Energy stopped swirling around you as you lifted the brightly glowing sword, rotating your body to face the woman.

  "Now, here's some advice: dodge." You didn't give Glass the time to react before you slammed the blade against the ships deck, setting off what was essentially a nuclear explosion. Massive waves of green light erupted all around you, in a devastating wave in front of you, splintering handrails and decimating the mast. Anything not nailed down was blown off the ship within a second.

Of everything that was previously in front of you, the only thing left was Glass herself, with singed clothes and heavy breath.

  "What's with the heavy breath? Surely we're not done warming up." You teased. Glass growled at you, lifting her fans as she fixed her stance. With a dash, she began to charge at you at an impossible speed.

You lifted the great sword to meet her next flurry of attacks, blocking them with swift rotations of the blade. Eventually, more force was added to her strikes when her fans began to glow, until you had to use the swords energy to let out a quick burst of energy, knocking her back. It wouldn't hurt, sadly.

You raised the sword high above your head as Glass flipped to her feet, just in time to get hit by a vertical slash of green energy. She fell back a few feet, as you began approaching her once more. She staggered to keep her balance as the moonlight greatsword's glow grew again, signaling a new flurry of attacks.

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