15: Crown Princess

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"We return to the Capital tomorrow." Naofumi declared. Currently, the party was walking down a forest path after a quick job Naofumi had decided to take. Despite the begging of Raphtalia, you refused to let her convince you to let her fight. Treatment came first.

"Are we wrapping up the trading trip?" Raphtalia asked. Naofumi nodded, stopping for a bit. You took a quick look around as Naofumi started speaking, noticing a variety of colors in a nearby field.

Hold on... You stepped through the tree line, into the field. Right in the middle of it, closer to you, a human girl in a blue dress was sitting down, lingering with a group of filolials.

As soon as you stepped forward, all of the birds looked straight towards you, and you couldn't help but notice a strange detail about them.

Filolials have front facing eyes. Of course they'd be predators.

When you took another step forward, all the filolials ran away from you, leaving the girl to watch them leave, before turning to you. This wasn't just any girl. No, you knew those features. You had seen them in Mirellia, and again in Malty/Myne.

"Melty Melromarc." You greeted. Her violet eyes widened at the mention of her name, as she gazed at you.

"Are you..." you held a finger to your lips, shushing her. You nodded, looking back at your group.

"The one your mother summoned? Yes." You answered with a whisper. Melty nodded, immediately walking to you.

"Hey Y/n? Who's that?" You looked back towards Naofumi, as Melty noticed Filo, taking in a slow gasp.

"Oh... my..." her eyes began to shine at the sight of the bird in front of her.

"So, this is Melty." You stated, patting the young girl's back.

  "Are you a filolial?" Melty asked Filo, clearly not expecting a response. However, Filo lifted a wing to her beak, speaking in response.

  "Who, me?" This prompted another gasp from Melty.

  "You can talk, too?" She asked, amazed.

  "Yep." Filo answered. This entire time, you, Naofumi and Raphtalia stood silent, watching the exchange. Melty held her hands to her chin in barely contained excitement.

  "I've always dreamed of talking with a filolial!" Melty exclaimed.

  "Huh?" Filo looked a bit confused by this, and Melty took in a quick breath, reaching into a pocket.

  "Here, this is for you." She took a piece of dried meat, holding it out to Filo, who began to approach her, aiming for the meat.

  "Thank you!" Filo said, reaching down for the morsel. As she chewed it up, Melty reached a hand out, feeling the downy feathers that covered her body. A delighted smile covered her face the whole time, one you were actually quite happy to see yourself. You may have been ordered by the queen to protect this little girl, but you wouldn't stop her from having her fun as well.

  "What's your name?" Melty asked Filo. You pulled your cane out, leaning against it as Raphtalia and Naofumi spoke to each other in the background.

  "I'm Filo, and you are now Mel!" Filo declared excitedly. Melty's face lit up at the nickname, and she reached into her pocket, pulling out more dried meat.

  "Here, you want some more?" She offered.

  "Yes, please!" Filo took it happily. Naofumi sighed, looking at you, then Filo.

Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now