25: The Truth Of Paleblood

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The crest of the three heroes church was torn down the next morning, and by the time you watched Naofumi leave to get Filo her class upgrade, a shield was up there with the other three weapons.

  Raphtalia had decided to go with Naofumi to see the sight, while you stayed behind to oversee some matter at the castle. Mainly speaking with Mirellia of your and Naofumi's adventures.

  Of course, Naofumi and the others soon returned, granting audience to the Queen.

  According to his account, Filo got her upgrade, but she couldn't choose the one she truly wanted.

  To understand why this was, you would have to rewind to when you and Naofumi split up due to Fitoria.

  In that time, Fitoria had taught Naofumi of his curse shield, along with the benefits and detriments it offered. The following morning, shortly before he met with Motoyasu before getting attacked by the pope, Fitoria had tested Filo in a trial by fire, facing her descendant in a duel to determine her worthiness. In the battle, Filo had prevailed, earning her the title of future queen of the filolials. This, in turn, gave Filo an ahoge. That ahoge from Fitoria is what Naofumi theorized to be the cause of Filo's lack of choice with her class upgrade.

  "Fitoria?" Mirellia seemed taken aback by the name.

"You mean the Filolial Queen?" Mirellia asked in wonder.

  "Oh, I wish you could've seen her." Melty lamented.

  "She looked so sublime!" Mirellia reached off the arm of the throne, grabbing Melty's wrist.

  "Melty! Could you tell me more?" She asked, amazed. So the Queen did have a softer side.

  "Of course! Fitoria in her bird form was as big as a Tyrant, and her feathers were the color of the sky!"

  "What else?" Mirellia stepped off the throne, excited to hear Melty's account on the subject.

  "On her head, she had special feathers that were kind of like a crown. When she gave me a ride, I really felt like I was in a dream!"

  "Ah, how wonderful!" Mirellia let go of Melty to hug herself, smiling with glee.

  "I wish I could experience that just once in my life! It must've been wonderful..." After this, she turned back to the hero in the room, covering her smile with her hand.

  "Ah, pardon me." She requested.

  "No, no, you're quite alright." You assured her. Naofumi simply smiled at the sight.

  "So, why were we called here?" Naofumi asked. Mirellia looked at you, nodding towards the hero. You cleared your throat, stepping forward.

  "You see, a party will be thrown tonight. One with all four heroes in attendance." You announced to Naofumi.

  "Is that so?" Naofumi asked, glaring at you.

  "Well, I do plan to privately meet with you heroes as well. All of us, at once. For some very important things, and some well due... explanations." You specified.

  "I would've given you longer notice, but if I had, you may not have come." Mirellia told Naofumi.

  "I get that..." Naofumi kept his gaze on you, and the ultimate weapon on your back.

  "I hope we will see you in attendance... Good Hero."

  True to your invitations, all four heroes had arrived. A party was hosted outside, with music and drinks for everyone to enjoy. Those sounds, however, were muffled by the several doors between them and you.

Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now