5: A Beacon Of Death

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"Do you know the tale of the four saints, Raphtalia?" The very back of Raphtalia's memories couldn't help but bring back that conversation she had with her parents that day.

"It is said that of the four, the hero of the shield treated us demihumans very well." Her mother told her, causing her to smile brightly.

"Really? I want to meet him someday!" She replied, excitedly. Her mother laughed, before responding.

"Well, the heroes are not summoned during peaceful times..." She told Raphtalia. Raphtalia began to frown as her mother spoke again.

"But you know... you're very lucky..." Blood began dripping from her eyes and mouth as she spoke, a wicked grin adorning her face.

"The waves of calamity will swallow us whole!" The last thing she saw was a set of bloody fangs descending towards her before her vision snapped to reality, shooting up.

"NOOOOO!" She screamed, flailing as a set of arms swiftly wrapped around her.

"Hey! Snap out of it!" You shouted, shaking her awake. Raphtalia looked at you, with dull eyes.

"D...dad?" She asked, sniffling. You sighed, shaking her head.

"Sorry, but incorrect." The light returned to her eyes as she fully registered her surroundings. Over the course of the next day, you had gotten back into town, and spent a few days there, doing small jobs for work. It was tough, with Raphtalia still needing teaching in several areas, such as bed-wetting, and whatnot, but you pulled through.

"O-oh. I'm sorry...." she said, looking down at the covers of her bed. You let out a chuckle, flicking her in the forehead.

"Don't worry about it, kiddo. Come on, Sir Naofumi's taking us to get you a new weapon." You told her. Raphtalia nodded, getting out of bed. After you left the room, she changed from simple robes you bought her to the shrunken clothes you had given her.

Master calls these 'Hunters Garb,' whatever that is. I think it has something to do with that voice I heard....

"Great One...." Raphtalia whispered, remembering that feminine voice that spoke in her ear. It was smooth, with an accent similar to your own. She pulled on the shirt, fastening some buckles before grabbing her knife, affixing it to her belt. It was time to go shopping.

Naofumi tossed a small bag of coins on the counter in front of the blacksmith.

"Get me a weapon that's worth this much." He ordered. The shopkeeper looked at Raphtalia with an approving look.

"Time to finally get the little miss a sword, eh?" He asked.

"Well, let's start her on the shorter side..." he went off to look around at the options as you walked up behind the two.

"What are we doing next, Sir?" You asked the hero, your leader.

"Getting Raphtalia a sword, then we're going to see if there's anywhere we can go with our equipment." Naofumi told you.

"By the way, Y/n, what 'materials' did you need the other day?" Naofumi asked you. From nowhere, like you always did, you grabbed two crude wooden swords.

"Stuff for training. You won't always be able to defend us, so she needs to learn how to dodge, and be more on the offensive." You told him. Raphtalia, who overheard, twitched her ears as she looked at the swords you made.

"Alright, how will this do?" The shopkeeper placer an unsheathes sword on the counter.

"Straight iron short-sword." He told you. You nodded, grabbing the weapon. It was no longer then the length of your forearm, but it would do. You sheathed the sword, giving it to Raphtalia. She looked at it, unsheathing it to give it a few practice swings.

Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now