9: Trick Weaponry

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  "As a reward and thanks for fulfilling my request, Motoyasu~Dono shall receive 4,000 silvers, and Itsuki and Ren~Dono shall receive 3,800 silvers." The king spoke, as the individual hero's were given their individual amounts.

  "In order for you three to recuperate after the damaging effects of the wave, you three shall be given 3 days to rest in the castle. Now, as agreed upon, The Shield shall receive 500 silvers we've set aside." Naofumi reached out to grab the bag.

  "However, since it's offset by the cost of dispelling the curse put on his comrade's slave, he shall receive none." The bag was taken back as Naofumi and Raphtalia scowled.

  "Actually, that's not going to fly." Itsuki spoke up. You looked over at him as he spoke.

  "You interfered in Y/n and Motoyasu's duel, dispelled the... slave crest? And now, you refuse to pay Naofumi and his party not only the funds for the wave, but what Y/n was promised for winning the duel?" Itsuki asked.

  "Sounds like it." Ren put in as Motoyasu turned towards them.

  "If there was no interference, your life wouldn't have been put in such danger. In fact, Y/n clearly stated that he healed you, then used that spell, A Call Beyond, to punish you for cheating. It's more than safe to say that you were actually quite safe from death the entire time." Ren explained.

  "Wha- I didn't lose, and he was clearly going to kill me!" Motoyasu insisted.

  "You must me mistaken, Itsuki~Sama, Ren~Sama." Myne started putting in.

  "It was a one on one duel, and Y/n was about to kill Motoyasu. That is why Father didn't declare him victor-"

  "Even if Motoyasu was about to die after the final spell, it was because you clearly cheated by firing that wind spell at him. Y/n would've otherwise quickly ended the duel with a spell like that Madaras Serpent. Besides, during the wave, it was Naofumi's party that defended Lute village against all odds, and while we were defeated by that massive beast, Y/n came in and saved us, killing that thing in a matter of two hits. In fact, it's even safe to assume that Y/n may be more experienced in killing these things then any of us could know." Itsuki pointed out as all heads turned towards you, and the Beast Saif on your back.

"Either way, the Shield Hero's party must be compensated in some way, and Y/n rewarded for the duel." Ren spoke up. Myne only grew angry at the words as the king sighed, giving in.

"Fine. The shield hero shall receive his reward, but before his advocate receives his two thousand, he must tell me the beasts weakness, so that we may further help this country." He ordered. You shrugged, drawing the saw spear from nowhere.

"Beasts flee before fire, which purifies them, granting swift death. Otherwise, if one want to effectively cut them down, use a serrated weapon." You spoke plainly, which seemed to surprise the king.

"Serrated?" Ren asked. You flicked the saw spear open, planting it in the floor.

  "Tell me, sword hero, would you use a serrated knife or a cheese knife to cut a slab of steak?" You asked.

  "If I wanted a clean cut, I would use the-"

  "No fancies." You interrupted, shocking the other heroes.

  "No 'smoothness,' no 'clean cuts,' you have to cut through a slab of meat as fast as possible. What knife do you use to slash the meat open?" You asked. He narrowed his eyes, looking at the saw spear.

  "The serrated one." He answered.

  "Exactly. Beasts are all fur and bloody meat, and your smooth blades will simply glide off unless you put all your strength into stabbing the creature. And let me remind you, the beasts won't wait while you do that." You told them.

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