4: Sword, Shield, and Blood

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You walked out of the shop you just visited, holding a pouch of coins as you walked into the alleyway you left Naofumi and Raphtalia at. Naofumi was looking at shield stuff while Raphtalia looked intently at a ball some kids were playing with across the street. Her tail was lightly wagging as she watched them.

"You want a ball like that?" You asked, prompting an eep from her. She turned around swiftly, shaking her head.

  "No! I don't wanna ball! Not at all!" She spoke, determined. You looked behind her at Naofumi, who nodded towards her tail, which was wagging, side to side. She wanted a ball. Before you could pry further, a loud rumbling echoed through the alley. You looked at Raphtalia, who looked at Naofumi guiltily.

  "That was me. Let's get some grub." He admitted.

  He lead the way, eventually choosing a neat-looking place, which he looked inside. Raphtalia was going to follow, before noticing a sign, hesitating.

  "Something wrong, Raphtalia?" You asked. She timidly pointed towards the sign, which read 'No DemiHumans'.

  "I'm... I'm not allowed in here." She admitted. You scoffed, reaching out to grab her hand. She looked shocked at the motion, but went with it, holding your hand as you entered, behind the shield hero.

  "Welc- oh." The person acting as waiter had an enthusiastic greeting, but it ended as soon as he saw you and Naofumi. You both took a seat, you seating Raphtalia beside you.

  "Who's that demihuman...?"

  "Is that a slave...?"

  "With the shield hero...?" You knit your brows at the whispers, before taking your order.

  "Give me your cheapest lunch set, along with..." you looked around the place, to see a kid happily wasting a small meal.

  "Whatever that kid's having." Raphtalia gasped in shock as the waiter nodded, walking away to get the food. After a few minutes, the two meals arrived. You paid the waiter, before giving Raphtalia her plate, to her absolute shock, and pushing the other plate towards Naofumi, who took it without question.

  "Sir..." Raphtalia looked at you, her eyes close to watering.

  "What, you don't want it?" You asked. Raphtalia stubbornly shook her head.

  "N-no! I don't!" Her tail was shaking again as you gave her a warm smile, that she couldn't see, because of your mouth being covered.

"It's not a big deal if you eat. Just go ahead." You told her. She looked down, biting her lip.

  "But... my previous masters always... hated it when I was happy... or looked like I was having fun..." You sighed, shaking your head.

  "I'm not your old master, am I?" Raphtalia looked at you as you asked the question.

  "We need you, Naofumi needs you." You told her.

  "Naofumi can't fight right now. He needs us to help him fight, and as much as I hate to say it, I'm not about to take on an army by myself." You told her. As she looked at you in wonder, before you motioned to her plate.

"Eat up. You've got a lot of growing to do." You told her. She nodded, the glimmer in her eyes fading as she looked at the food, then back at you.

"Are... are you sure?" She asked. You smiled at her, at her supposed innocence.

"Yes, I am. Just eat up." You told her. She grabbed a handful of rice with her bare hands, shoving it into her mouth as you watched.

Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now