3: The Slave Girl

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  Naofumi looked at the man, before grunting and turning around.

  "I hear you have trouble finding companions? Well, I have a deal that'll help you get excellent companions." The stranger spoke up. You looked at him suspiciously.

  "If you're here to pretend to be Sir Naofumi's partner, then get in line." You told him. He shook his head.

  "Partner? No, I cannot offer something so noble." Came the reply. This seems to have caught the Shield Hero's attention, as well as yours.

  "What do you mean?" Naofumi asked. The stranger stepped closer to Naofumi.

  "Does it catch your attention?" He asked.

  "Stay away." Was the response. The man looked Naofumi up and down, slowly.

  "I like your look, you're just as they say." He remarked. Naofumi looked to him, as you placed a hand on the handle of the Beast Cutter.

"You know who I am?" Naofumi asked.

  "That's right, Shield Hero. If you want to remove your doubts, come with me." Finishing the sentence with a bow, the stranger motioned towards a side street. Naofumi turned to face him, motioning you to follow.

  You were all led down some streets until you came across what seemed to be a massive circus tent.

"This way." The man directed, taking you both inside.

  Everywhere you looked, there was something in a cage. There were mostly massive beasts, untouched by your blood. From wolves to chimeras, the animals all growled at the sight of you, and/or the Trader.

  "Are these perhaps.... slaves?" You asked, looking at the cages.

  "Yes they indeed are! You have a sharp eye." The slave trader complimented. You sighed as Naofumi started speaking again.

  "Why do you think I want a slave? I already have Y/n here, who's going through the same situation I am." Naofumi pointed out. The trader chuckled at the question.

  "Because, like you believe your friend to be, slaves are loyal. They don't lie and betray their master." Naofumi raised a brow as you put a hand to your chin.

  "They have a powerful curse that slowly and painfully snatches away their life if they try to disobey their masters." The slave trader grinned as he looked up to Naofumi.

  "What do you think?" He asked. Naofumi narrowed his eyes.

  "What are your thoughts, Y/n?" He asked.

  "If you get a slave, it'll likely ruin your image even more. People like Myne will try and twist it into a tale of an abusive hero." You stated. Naofumi slowly nodded.

  "You're right...." you smiled as you continued.

  "But if I were to buy a slave to help us fight, and you happened to be able to give orders, it'd just be you giving orders to your party." You pointed out. The slave trader grinned widely as Naofumi's glare slightly lessened, as he gave you a smirk.

  "Bravo! What an excellent compromise!" The trader cheered, looking at you.

  "So, what'll it be?" He asked. You looked at Naofumi, who nodded. You looked around at the slaves in cages.

  "Show me what you have." You told him.

  "I know already. You're going to make excellent customers." The trader started showing you around, guiding you to cages.

Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now