Terrible consequences

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- You will understand, gentlemen, that I have to give you an exemplary punishment.

Albus Dumbledore's office. Former headmasters were sleeping in their pictures. A glorious phoenix in a corner, eyes closed and feathers folded. Dozens of magic candles in the air. Sirius and James sitting in front of his table, nodding.

- I cannot allow the rest of the students to believe that what they did last night is fine. It would be little less than indirectly accusing certain Slytherin students to promote hatred between classes. And of course, that I would be implicitly saying that I applaud his way of ridiculing thoseprejudices. You will understand - Dumbledore looks at them with total sincerity - that I can't do such a thing. As Headmaster of this very school.

James looks at Sirius. Sirius looks at him. They are not sure if Dumbledore is punishing or clapping their mischief.

- Therefore, and as I suppose you are aware that I have organized a cinema night session in Hogsmeade at the end of the course, you will have to take on a difficult task. And I don't want protests, nor moans, no lamentations. You will have to pay the consequences of your own acts, gentlemen.

Again, he agrees. Again, they are confused. James fears they have the cinema night prohibited for them, and let without a chance to sit next to Lily. In total darkness.

- We agree, then. You are going to Hogsmeade this weekend, and without any excuse, you will have to choose the films that we will see. And I don't want a single complaint, is that clear?

James smiles.

- Crystal clear, professor.

Sirius, who thinks he could kiss Dumbledore if he weren't ugly as a crumpled parchment, smiles.

- Like water, sir.

It seems to both of them, that in another time, a long, long time ago, Before even Merlin, Albus Dumbledore had to be a ruffian of take and loin.

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