The meeting place (Part 1)

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They find a place, as always, in the last carriage. The same one that brought them back to London, is the one who takes them back to school. In the narrow express corridors, they greet old acquaintances and joke around some new ones. Placed the suitcases and the owls in the compartment, they leave to the platform for one last time, rushing the last few seconds so Sirius can finish the last cigarette. There are three minutes until the train leaves and damn it, James couldn't find Lily. His mind is starting to worry, elaborating theories of what could possibly happen to her, each one of them more paranoid than the previous one. She is sick, she is going to drop out, she will study at a Muggle school, she has married a hairy rock star, a spell has transformed her into a frog and they have her in St. Mungo's. She is pregnant with quintuplets.He gazes into the distance, keeping an eye on the brick wall because she could come in within the next three minutes.

- Do you know what I was recalling, dear James?

He couldn't care less what Sirius remembers because Lily isn't appearing and where can she be? When he heard her through the "Felly", she seemed to be fine, but what does James know about the Fellys? Maybe people always SOUNDS good through those gadgets. Oh no, MAYBE SHE'S TRAPPED IN ONE BECAUSE OF HIM CALLING HER ONCE.

- About what?

- From the sex shop we visited in Knokcturn alley and how we were so drunk afterward, that we got lost up there, and we had to get to your home on a muggle train. Do you remember how you fell asleep on the shoulder of that bearded guy?

Nothing. Nobody is coming off the wall. And there are two and a half minutes left. The train snorts and she's never late, that's not her style at all. But where the hell is she?

- Why do you tell me all that as if I don't know?

- You are welcome. Is that Lily is behind you and I wanted to expose you in front of her.

Sure. Yeah.

- You think I'm going to fall in that shit? you stupid bastard. I'm not that stupid.

Sirius looks at a specific point behind his right shoulder and says, "Hi Evans."

- Nice try, Padfoot.

- Hi Sirius.

Oh shit. OH SHIT.

It cannot be. He doesn't want to turn around. It is her voice. He has to turn around and face his own stupidity.

- Hello, Evans- Sirius greets-. Nice hairstyle- he adds.

James is not sure if he or the universe turns around to face her, but the point is that Sirius's words, the exaggerated - and almost insulting -UNDERVALUATION of Sirius on the amazing, hyperbolic, mind-blowing, and sublime Lily's new hairstyle, get further and further away, like the echo of the sea when you go inland. Everything remains every time further afield, except her, the only thing that focuses on a world that's blurred. "Oh holy heaven, oh holy, holy heaven". 

Lily In front of him. With a kind of long red ringlets, those huge eyelashes, right eyebrow slightly raised in that eternal air of funny censorship, lusciously painted lips a dazzling cherry red. Dressed in something that doesn't deserve to be called a dress because it could only be worn by an angel.

- Hello James.

When she says it, his name sounds different. The "James" Lily says must be an extraordinary man. He feels dwarfed by the comparison. He wants to be that man or die trying.

- Hi, Lily. - He is surprised to find his voice. - Do not pay attention to Sirius. Anyway, I will kill him with my bare hands as soon as we get on the train.

He can't stop looking at her. He hopes he's not drooling. He knows that Sirius is having fun at the expense of him but he doesn't fucking care. Lily smiles and that smile is for him. FOR HIM. For Sirius? No sir, FOR HIM.

- Don't kill him before he tells me about that bearded man.

She leaves. He floats. He flies. Levites over the station floor and time, running after her to help her get into the train. She gets on, and it's Sirius who has to drag James in because he doesn't even hear the whistle of the machine announcing that they are leaving in a minute.

-Have you seen how she smiled at me?

- I hope she doesn't have high expectations the first time that you sleep with her because, seeing how a smile moves you, you will be dehydrated before she even dares to take off your clothes.

- Laugh, asshole. Glad you have your fun now. But when I find out who the lady you like is, and she gets your dirty underpants in the mail you'll see how you don't laugh so much.

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