Ballad of the bright side of the moon

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They, unlike Lily, visit him at night. They bring him books, chocolate with liquor, the gramophone, the Beatles records, a pile of socks because Remus, although nobody understands why likes to sleep in socks and take them off in the middle of the night for them to appear the next morning inside Peter's mouse cage or on the windowsill or some other unlikely place. Just because they always know that they will have to end up bringing them, they also come with their class books and notes, for him to get up to date at school.

Sirius brings the muggle spiral notebook that Remus always carries above.

- For my late mother, I solemnly swear I didn't read any of it.

- Your mother is alive.

- Shut up, Peter, let me dream for a bit.

They gather around the bed, talking in whispers, unintentionally bothering him too much.

- We have made you a little fast healing potion- explains James, while he puts the bottle on the table. -And this time it's not rotten. My word.

- Thanks. - Remus smiles weakly. He seems sadder than ever. -Taking into account that last night I could have killed you is quite a detail.

James downplays it - don't say that man - but it's just words, ways of speaking. They were all there, they saw what happened and how, for the first time in years, for the first time since they started to accompany him, the wolf completely took possession of him, until there was nothing to save, no trace of man. They ask what exactly happened, but Remus only has one excuse -the wolf dominated me- and little else.

- I don't remember almost anything.

They say goodbye until the next day. Remus manages to say "sorry", although words, in cases like this, fall short. Even though it forms a lump in his throat. Despite everything, his shame, his crime, James crouches next to the bed, says "what are friends for" and in that moment, illuminates an inner nobility that always remains under the surface and deflowers hard in tough times. "Rest," he orders and leaves, followed by Peter, on tiptoe. 

Sirius was the last one who remains. He has no strength to deceive him.

- I remember things.

The meat. The blood. Anger. Remember many more things than he would want. Some memories sore.

-Wicked- Sirius jokes. - So you can write a novel.

Remus sometimes has the feeling that Sirius is much wiser than none of them, but he conceals and plays the thug that all expect him to be because he finds it more fun. It's easier to survive with the skin of the scoundrel to face everything raw.

- Does it hurt a lot?- he asks.

- Only when I breathe. And what about you?

Sirius lifts his shirt. Four large wounds scratched his abdomen. Four huge claws that Remus remembers perfectly. His claws. Piercing the meat. He can still hear everything. His howl during the first attack of the dog and the whine of the dog as he defended himself with claws and teeth. He knows that Sirius is not going to show those injuries to anyone.

- Hurt? This? for fuck sakes. - Snort. - It's not even the first time that I wake up with a couple of scratches.

He is about to say it. I love you. But Remus holds back. He may act like it's all a joke, but it's not, damn it. And there are things - people - that he is not willing to see in danger. He asks how often he is being too condescending and if the future will charge their nocturnal adventures in the woods. Illegal Animagi. Getaways to the forest. If Dumbledore knew, everything would fall apart.

- If something like this happens again, Sirius, it's over. You will have to tie me in the Shrieking Shack and leave me alone. I'm not putting you in danger again.

All the things that are said about Sirius are true. Scoundrel, unpresentable, compulsive hooligan, selfish, conceited, arrogant, lazy, undisciplined. But it is not the whole truth. There is another Sirius, under the bravado and insults, which only a few have the privilege of meeting.

- Listen to me well, you nerdy flan. We decide what to do or not. Is that clear?

The one that makes Remus feel blessed by his unbearable company of him.

- It is clear.

- And about tying you up, I'll think about it.

The Sirius who alters her blood at the sound of his voice.

- Obviously, the idea tempts you.

The one who will never hesitate to sink his teeth into him if he has to. And he will cover his own wounds so that no one sees that Sirius Black also bleeds.

- Heal soon, Lupin. - He says from the door. - I'm getting bored.

The one who can never stop loving.

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