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Marshall slammed his palm onto the ball, it wasn't a surprise that Marshall would be the one to get it first. After all, she was short for her age anyway, and Marshall was almost five years older then her.

He was playing with more aggression then in the previous match. It felt as if he was demonstrating his tricks and skills with the ball to her, instead of actually trying to win. Being able to spin a ball on your finger isn't that impressive, it sounds simple really.

Marshall began bouncing the ball back and forth in between his legs. So what if he could do some stupid tricks, that didn't make him a better player then she was.

Eventually, he stopped playing around, and actually headed towards the hoop. Well that's what she thought at least. Marshall got close to the hoop and then just smirked at Aaliyah.

"What's so funny?" She asked bitterly, noticing that DeShaun and Rashad were also laughing at the entire situation now. "This."

Marshall turned to face Aaliyah straight on, the hoop directly behind him now. He then threw the ball backwards into the air. There was no way that Marshall was going to get it in the hoop, it had to be impossible. But Marshall proved them all wrong, as it satisfyingly fell into the hoop. It didn't even touch the ring.

"Can we actually play now?" Aaliyah hotly said, she was annoyed at how good he was with all these tricks. Marshall, nodded and they returned to their starting positions.

Soon enough, Aaliyah got possession of the ball. Even if she'd only played basketball a couple of times, she was doing quite well for a beginner. Marshall was chasing her around like a hawk after its prey, waiting for the right moment to strike.

And he did strike, he striked hard and fast and managed to get the ball in his hands. Aaliyah chased after him, but he was much faster. But that didn't mean that she was just going to give up. She watched as he aimed up for the hoop, she had to do this.

He let go of the ball, and as if it was in slow motion, it flew into the air. Aaliyah knew that she'd have to try and guard the hoop, but Marshall was much taller then her. She tried her hardest to leap into the air, but she wasn't able to reflect the ball.

On the contrary, Marshall missed the shot completely and it rolled to Rashad's feet. Rashad picked the basketball up, and looked at Marshall and then back at Aaliyah. He didn't know if he should pass it to his new friend, or his younger sister. Sighing, he just threw the ball into the air, he didn't want to choose.

Aaliyah grasped the basketball in her hands, and began dribbling the ball towards the hoop. It was now or never.  Aaliyah jumped as high as she could. Whoosh.

The ball fell straight into the hoop. "You did it!" DeShaun exclaimed clapping in applause, she really had. She replayed what had just happened in her mind again, her and Marshall were tied.

"Alright, this will be the deciding round on who wins." DeShaun said, looking at the two of them. "What does the winner get?" Aaliyah asked.

"Hold your horses, eager beaver." Proof laughed, looking at Aaliyah.

"If I win, you'll give me your allowance." Aaliyah seriously said, looking at Marshall. "Allowance? My ma gives me shit."

"I'm sorry about that." Aaliyah replied, looking at Marshall in sympathy. She didn't know much about his mother, but just from the way Marshall's face tenses up when he mentions her is enough to tell that she isn't a great mother.

𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , 𝐀𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐇Where stories live. Discover now