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listen to this song it's the shit


"Ladies and gentleman! It's the moment you've all been waiting for! Aaliyah Haughton!"


"I see that somebodies enjoying the concert."

The sound of Missy's voice completely caught Marshall off guard, so much so that he almost dropped his can of beer.

"I said I'd come watch her from backstage... and I don't regret it, they're packed out on beer back here." He grinned, opening another can of beer with a satisfied grin on his face.

"I've known you for a couple days and yet this was exactly what I expected from you Marshall." She grinned, watching the crowd from the corner of her eye. Being backstage, they both had a good looking in of both the crowds and Aaliyah.

"Who knew I was such a predictable person." He scoffed, staring at Aaliyah from the side of the stage.

"So... how together are you and Aaliyah?" Missy asked, interrupting his thought of train.

"As close as you could possibly be to someone you've known most of your life." He mumbled, noticing how missy raises a brow at this.

"So you're together together then?"

"I don't know what you're trying to hint towards here." Marshall then said, edging away from her slightly in confusion.

"I mean if you aren't with Aaliyah, maybe we could play around sometime." She smirked, leaning into his ear.

Just as Marshall was about to push her away, Aaliyah wandered back stage a gleaming smile on her face.

"So how was I? Was I good?" She asked, trying to ignore how close Missy was trying to get to Marshall. They both slowly nodded, even though for the majority of the songs they hadn't even been listening.

"The concert isn't over yet.. I'm just grabbing a bottle of water." She smiled, reaching towards the small table besides Marshall's chair. She picked up the bottle then looked back at them both. "Performing on stage can really work up a sweat."

After yet another slow nod, Aaliyah looked at them both more seriously now. "Seriously you two, what's up?" Aaliyah asked, but they both just shrugged in response.

"We can talk later Marshall." Aaliyah said, before curtly turning around and heading back onto stage, no longer in the best of moods.

"Whatever you were just trying to do Missy... forget it. Me and you, that's not going to happen." He explained, trying not to sound too rude.

"See! I knew you had feelings for her." Missy smiled, showing off her pearly white teeth.

"I don't. I'm just not looking for a relationship right now, all of my past ones have ended in.. let's just say not the best ways." He sighed, completely deflecting all of Missy's outrageous accusations.

"I never said I wanted a relationship between us Marshall." She winked, watching as he raised his palm onto his forehead.

"Ya know, in most instances I'd probably say yes.. to some casual sex, but you're not really my type." He bluntly said.

"What's your type? Blonde skinny bitches?"

𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , 𝐀𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐇Where stories live. Discover now