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The journey to Chicago, wasn't all that Aaliyah had expected. She hadn't uttered a single word to Marshall since she had last seen him on that bus, and that's the way she was planning that it stay. She still couldn't believe that Marshall had been dating this 'Kim' girl without even telling her. Weren't they closer then that? Aaliyah just sighed, before wiping her eye noticing that a tear was brimming. Although, her disheartened mood didn't go unnoticed. R. Kelly and Barry soon picked up on her upset expression.

Kelly, Barry and Aaliyah were the only ones in the truck. Barry driving, while Aaliyah and Kelly were sat in the backseats. The truth was, that Kelly didn't really want Barry to tag along to Chicago with him and Aaliyah, but Diane and Micheal said they wanted someone that they could fully trust to be there with Aaliyah.

The ride to Chicago wasn't a short one at that, so the two of them had plenty of time to pry any information from Aaliyah, to why she was so upset.

"Are you having boy trouble or something?" R. Kelly chuckled, noticing as red blotches began to form on her cheeks. She just quickly shook her head, she wasn't going to embarrass herself and tell him everything about Marshall.

"Then what's up?" He asked in confusion.

"Just had some issues with my friends.." Aaliyah said, not giving away too much.

Kelly leaned closer, so their heads were practically touching, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No, it doesn't matter." Aaliyah said, before turning her face away and towards the window in embarrassment.

"If you say so... are you hungry? There is a fast food place on the side of the road coming up." Kelly explained, pointing out of the tinted window, to a sign which was indicating to a McDonald's.

"Sounds good." Aaliyah breathed out, thinking back to when she went to McDonald's with Marshall, after the basketball game. How Marshall had spilt mayonnaise on his nose... how it was so cute.

They pulled up outside of the McDonald's, Kelly staying inside of the vehicle. It's not like he had a choice anyway, the area was busy and they weren't really after unwanted attention. Aaliyah decided to go with Barry to get the meals. Although, some could argue she was becoming more well known, it was highly unlikely that she'd be stopped by a fan. She hadn't even released her first song yet.

But just to be safe, Aaliyah put a dark hoodie on over her shirt, making sure the hood was covering most of her face. They then headed into the McDonald's, greeted by the salty smell of fries.

"What do you want?" Barry almost shouted, trying to be heard over all the screeching children. Aaliyah peered at the paper menu that was plastered on a few walls of the building deciding on an easy meal, chicken nuggets and fries.

"What drink do you want with it?"

Aaliyah pondered before answering, "I'll just have some orange juice." She didn't want to get filled full of soft drinks, a healthier option was always better anyway.

Aaliyah stood with her back facing the cashier as Barry ordered. She wasn't letting anyone even have a single look at her face. There was still that chance of being recognised even if it was slim. Even if she did look much different to what she did when she had performed with Gladys. Her hair was a little longer then before, and she had black rings under her eyes now. But that was probably from the recent lack of sleep, and how much she'd been feeling upset over stupid fucking Marshall.

𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , 𝐀𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐇Where stories live. Discover now