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"Mom! Mom!"

The day was a bit of a blur to him, although, he could clearly remember the red and blue flashing lights, and the loud sirens.

"Is she going to be okay?" Marshall asked, tears spilling from his eyes, as he watched his mother laid back unconscious on the stretcher. He'd made sure that Nathan didn't see any of this, he was asleep, his head buried into Marshall's shoulder.

Nathan hadn't even turned five yet, and he was already living in the same corrupted world, that Marshall had lived in all these fourteen years.

Even now, Marshall didn't entirely understand what had happened, but it was pretty obvious. Debbie had overdosed again, and no it wasn't the first time this had happened either, and it certainly wasn't going or be the last time.

This time was different then usual, normally Debbie didn't overdose when Nathan was home, she usually waited until Marshall was at school and until Nathan was in day care. But today, she must of been feeling extra ravenous if she were to dive into her bottle of pills at one pm.

Thank god, that Nathan hadn't been in the same room as Debbie when she overdosed. Nathan could of ended dying if he'd gotten hold of those pills, either due to the strength of them or to choking on them.

Debbie wasn't dead, just passed out on her bedroom floor, but that's what happens when you take one two many pills of Valium.

Marshall rushed upstairs that day, he called for his mother, he had no idea where she was. Until he found her, practically dead, foaming at the mouth.


"Aaliyah! Are you dressed yet?" Her mother called from the bottom of the stairs. Aaliyah was rummaging around her room, making sure she had the right outfit on for today.

After another five minutes, she finally decided on a red T-shirt, with some blue dungarees. Pretty casual, but it's what Aaliyah felt her best in.

"Are you finally ready?" Her mother sarcastically said, reaching over to grab the car keys and her black handbag. Rolling her eyes, Aaliyah nodded and made her way into the passengers seat of the car.

"And Aaliyah,I've raised you to think rationally and to always do your best, so make me proud." Her mother smiled, putting the keys into the ignition.

Aaliyah's parents had taught her to be polite and humble, both things were approved of in a young girl in this society. And for that Aaliyah was greatful.

Aaliyah began to shake as they pulled up outside of the building. It was a large place, and it looked rather professional too, that only made her feel more nervous.

"You'll be fine." Her mother reassured her, giving her shoulder a slight squeeze as they entered the building.

A Few Days Before

"Hey! Aaliyah!"

Aaliyah turned around, and noticed Marshall racing down the sidewalk, what was he doing here? "I've got your brothers comic books to return!" He smiled, handing them over to Aaliyah.

"Thanks, I'll be sure to give them to Rashad as soon as I get home." She grinned, moving a few strands of her dark hair behind her ear.

𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , 𝐀𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐇Where stories live. Discover now