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A few weeks later:

"Are you all packed up and ready to go then?" Rashad asked, as he watched his sister zip up the last of her four suitcases.

"Yeah, almost, I just gotta grab my curling iron from my drawer." Aaliyah replied, standing up and digging into the top drawer for the appliance.

Rashad watched her questioningly, as she unzipped a suitcase, trying to fit it inside. "Do you really need that, when do you ever curl your hair anyway?"

"It's better to be prepared then not." She hummed in satisfaction, as the suitcase eventually zipped up smoothly.

"So what time are you leaving?" He then asked, helping Aaliyah to move her suitcases downstairs.

"Me and Marshall are going to meet up at the airport in a couple hours. It's less obvious if we get there our own separate ways." Aaliyah then said, parking the last suitcase in front of the door.

Within an hour, Aaliyah was on her way to the airport, her father in the drivers seat. Rashad was planning on tagging along for the ride, but turns out all of her suitcases took up way too much space for anybody else to get inside of the car.

"Have a good few weeks.. and remember to call me and your mother every night." Michael grinned, kissing her forehead. In a way, it was sweet that her father cared so much, but every night? There was such thing called 'caring too much'.

Aaliyah hopped out of the passengers seat, and headed around to the trunk. She pulled out her few suitcases, and pulled the hood of her trench coat over her eyes.

Aaliyah knew that it was a shot in the dark, of course she was noticed. A few teenage girls spotted her first, and even though her hands were full, they still had the audacity to come over and ask her to sign an autograph for each of them. They were around thirteen years old, it wasn't like Aaliyah could exactly say no?

"Come on.. we haven't got all day.." Aaliyah heard one of her security guards mumble, as she finished signing the final autograph. Once the children were gone, Aaliyah turned to him, an assertive expression on her face. "Let's not forget that you work for me." After that, they didn't comment on anything else.

Aaliyah was late, so Marshall had decided to just wait inside of the plane for her. He'd managed to get through the airport unnoticed, but it seemed like Aaliyah hadn't gotten the same stroke of luck. There was no particular rush to get there though, the first concert didn't start for a couple of days anyway. Marshall knew that he could relax on this private jet forever, so he didn't mind how long Aaliyah took.

He leaned forward on his cream coloured seat, and poured some more champagne into a tall glass. This plane was rather fancy, so a glass of this was the closest thing that he was going to get to a can of beer.

"Someone seems to be enjoying themselves." The pilot chuckled, as he boarded the plane. Marshall took one look at the man and nodded, taking yet another sip of the champagne.

"I never took you for a champagne sort of guy.. I was thinking more vodka.." The pilot grinned, noticing how he was slowly making his way through the entire champagne bottle.

"Man, where I'm from, ain't nobody touched a bottle of champagne. This shit is alright, but it don't beat vodka nor beer." Marshall replied, settling his glass down on the fold out table.

𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , 𝐀𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐇Where stories live. Discover now