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All the shouting and arguing that had been happening over at the Haughton's household was so loud that it could be heard from Marshall's house. R. Kelly, had finally been exposed to Aaliyah's parents, as the child predator that he was. And as if the marriage license wasn't enough proof, DeShaun also had came across some Polaroid pictures of him and Aaliyah kissing.

Aaliyah was pissed at Marshall and Proof, but that was understandable. Micheal had told him that she just needed a few weeks to cool down, and then she would understand that what they did was for the best. Marshall just had to hope that he was right.

"Hey Marshall! Are table 4's meals ready?" Mike, his manager at Gilbert's Lodge asked. Marshall nodded, before passing them over to the waitress so she could bring the meal to the customers.

"Hurry up guys! People need their food!" The manager called again, his high pitched screechy voice giving everyone a hard time concentrating. Marshall once again, speedily prepared the next meal and passed it to a waiter. He continued doing this on a continual cycle, until it reached five thirty pm.

Now that his shift was over, he could return to his small trailer, where his three month pregnant girlfriend would be waiting. Even though, it'd been so long Aaliyah still didn't know about Kim being pregnant. He wasn't sure how he could even approach Aaliyah, without seeming like a complete dickhead.

Although, DeShaun knew about it. Unlike his mother, DeShaun was actually happy for him, saying that he was going to be a great father. But Marshall had little to no experience, while DeShaun had grew up with lots of younger siblings, and knew how to take care of them well. Kim also didn't have a clue about how to raise a child. The only thing that they both knew was that they were just going to have to try.

With the way Debbie had been acting, Marshall didn't want his child to even meet her. She'd probably end up tainting the child's mind, with something horrible and untrue about either Marshall or Kim. Possibly both.

Just as Marshall was about to lock the front door and leave the restaurant, a familiar face poked around the entrance. Smooth dark hair, and milk chocolate eyes, the girl that he'd been thinking about for over two months now. Aaliyah Haughton.

"Hey.. can we talk." She murmured, looking around at the empty tables and chairs in the restaurant. She didn't seem especially cheerful, if anything she was looking more guilty and apologetic.

Marshall beckoned her to come sit down at one of the red booths of the restaurant. Nobody was going to be coming back in today, so they would be able to speak alone for as long as they needed too.

Aaliyah began to fidget with the sleeve of her hoodie as she sat down, yet she didn't seem anxious to speak to him. "I'm sorry about everything. He.. he had completely brainwashed me.. and if you hadn't of stepped in, things could of got a lot worse.. so thank you Marshall..."

Marshall looked around at the bland restaurant as she spoke, how could he look her in the eyes without feeling sorry for her. "What? It's nothing to worry about. I'll always look out for you." Marshall quickly reassured her, before raising his hands into the air.

"R. Kelly has been put on a restraining order, and he'll be going to court next month. The chances of him going to prison look quite promising.."

"That's great news.. but I also have something to tell you." Marshall gulped.

"What is it?"

𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , 𝐀𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐇Where stories live. Discover now