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Dear Diary,

It's been years since I've picked you up. In all honesty, I forgot you even existed for a moment. Now is one of those moments where my thoughts are so overwhelming, that the only real option is to write them down.

I don't know what to think anymore. He kissed me tonight, and to make matters worse, I kissed him back, and yeah, I enjoyed it. He must of been drunk off of the Prosecco, that had to have been it! (Even though he didn't even finish a singular glass of it.)

Even if he wasn't drunk, he's still clearly playing me. Marshall Mathers would never love me, love was such a commonly used word. Everybody used it with so much ease, but when I said I loved Marshall I actually meant it.

I'm not sure how things are going to pan out between us, hopefully Marshall can just ignore what happened and move on. But I also know that I hope for too much.

Marshall is going to be really popular soon, his song 'my name is' is set to be played on the main Detroit radio station today. In about half an hour to be exact. In half an hour, Detroit is going to become curious at who this rapper is.

Eminem. Slim shady. Whatever you wanted to call him, the guy that I've loved for over five years. The guy who would never love me back.

"Smile!" The flashes of the camera, beamed down on Aaliyah's face as she tried to smile for the photo shoot.

"Maybe a little less teeth.. and a little more lip." The photographer said, holding the camera back up towards his face.

"Fierce Aaliyah! I love it!" He grinned, snapping away while Aaliyah maintained the pose he wanted.


She relaxed her hands so they hung limply on her hips like she was some sort of runway model, this was definitely supposed to be more fun.

"You didn't seem as into the photo shoot as you usually do Aaliyah, is there something playing on your mind?" Rashad asked, watching her from the corner of his eye as he drove them back home. 

"I'm fine, just some personal issues I guess.." She murmured, before reaching over so she could turn up the radio.

"Marshall Mathers, or as you probably know him as Eminem or Slim Shady, will be dropping his first album next month." The radio host squealed, excitement seeping from his voice.

"We haven't received much information on the album, besides the fact that it's going to be produced by the legend himself, Dr Dre."

Aaliyah sighed, turning the radio off. It'd been a few months since she'd talked to him, within a week of the kiss, he went back to California for a while to work with Dre.

"He didn't even say goodbye.."

"What did you say?" Rashad asked.

"Oh nothing." Aaliyah uttered. She really needed to stop talking to herself it was becoming a habit.

She herself didn't know why she felt so anxious, she wanted to talk to Marshall, she missed him. He wasn't picking up any of her calls, or answering any messages. Ever since that kiss he hadn't said anything. He probably hated her now, there she went, fucking everything up.

But there was still hope, Marshall hadn't talked to Proof either, so maybe he had just jumped onto the fame express and left him in the dust too.

𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , 𝐀𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐇Where stories live. Discover now