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It was scary at just how natural they were acting. Whenever R. Kelly saw Aaliyah's parents, he'd act friendly, and with ease too. If Marshall didn't have the inside information that he did and a good sense of suspicion, he would of been oblivious to what was happening behind closed doors.

By the time Marshall's seventeenth birthday had rolled around, Aaliyah and R. Kelly were illegally married. This was something that nobody but Aaliyah and him knew about, Marshall didn't even know about this.. well not yet at least.

R. Kelly had been able to bribe an Illinois government employee to get Aaliyah a fake ID which stated she was eighteen years old. Aaliyah wasn't even aware of the rabbit hole she was falling into, and nobody else was either. There was nobody there to pull her out, just R. Kelly pushing her down deeper. But Marshall just had to dig around the truth a little more and he'd be able to save her from the spiral of madness.

Aaliyah was busy as of late, with exams coming up, along with starting to work on 'The thing I like EP' which was a new album if you could call it that. People were loving her music and desperate to hear more. She was only fifteen, yet she had already done way too many concerts to count, and signed way too many signatures. She was even starting to rack up a hefty amount of cash into her bank account.

Eighteen year old Marshall, strolled down the stairs, before falling back onto the couch. Life was rough, and by rough he really meant it. Debbie had returned to her old ways, even though she had Marshall and her four year old son Nate to look after.

Kim was still here, even though she'd said she was going to move out soon. At this point, she'd been staying at there's for almost four years and she probably wasn't going to leave until Marshall did first.

To make matters worse, Marshall also was forced to drop out from High school a year back. Debbie was sick of the bills not getting paid around here, so she made Marshall start working at a place called the Gilbert Lodge. It was a restaurant like place, and Marshall had been working there on and off to help his ungrateful mother.

"Hey Marshall!"

Marshall sighed, hearing Kim's voice ringing from upstairs. It was safe to say, that he was sick of living with both his mother and girlfriend, it was too many women at one time.

"Yeah?" He called back to her, not moving from his position on the couch. Today was his day off from working, and he decided that he'd just sit around for a little while, before tomorrow when him and DeShaun were going to Chicago with Aaliyah.

"Can you come here for a minute?" Kim quickly said, her voice sounding tense and anxious. What had she done now? Marshall groaned, before standing up and trudging up the stairs. She's probably broke another one of the lampshades.

Kim was in the bathroom, seated on the toilet, he head resting in between her knees. There was definitely something going on, and it was more serious then what Marshall had first thought.

"What's wrong baby?" Marshall asked, crouching besides his girlfriend. She looked up at him, tears in her eyes, and pulled something off of the windowsill. A pregnancy test.

They'd had sex once or twice, and Marshall had been sure to use protection. There was no way in hell that Kim was pregnant. "I think I'm pregnant with our baby."

"What." Marshall said, letting her words sink in. "This ain't possible, I used protection I was fucking careful. Who else have you been seeing?" He angrily asked, which just made Kim cry even more.

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