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Once Aaliyah had talked to her parents for a few minutes, about what had happened over the last month, Rashad guided Aaliyah into the living room and began to explain everything that had happened while she'd be gone.

"Wait.. so Marshall and Kim are not actually dating?" Aaliyah asked, making sure she had heard what Rashad had said correctly.

Rashad nodded, noticing her annoyed expression. "Look... I'm sorry I shouldn't of assumed that they were together.. ok?" Rashad apologised for like the tenth time.

"Fine, fine, I'll forgive you... but don't do anything like this ever again." Aaliyah eventually said giving into her older brother. Rashad nodded, glad that she had accepted his apology.

"So... what did you say about planning a party for Marshall?" Aaliyah laughed, to which Rashad grinned widely.

Rashad and Diane had bought a multi pack of blow up balloons from downtown Detroit, along with some banners, party poppers and confetti. They already had plastic cups, and paper plates at home, so all they needed to do now was go down to the store and buy him a cake.

Rashad and Aaliyah said that they'd go alone, while Micheal and Diane cooked some food and continued to decorate the house. It was really nice, to see them going all out for Marshall, even though he wasn't even their son.

They went to their nearest bakery, which wasn't too far from the grocery store either, so it was a fifteen minute walk from the house. They could of just grabbed an average birthday cake from the grocery store, but Aaliyah and Rashad felt that they owed him something better than that. Especially, after the way they had treated him.

To their relief, the bakery wasn't busy this early in the morning, and all of the baked goods were nice and fresh from just being cooked and put on display. Aaliyah grinned, as she noticed everything from gingerbread men, to full on three and four tier cakes.

They both wandered aimlessly around, until they noticed it. The cake had royal blue icing, and some crimson red decorations too. It was a Spider-Man cake. There wasn't a better cake in the shop, they knew instantly that this was the one.

"Can we have the Spider-Man cake please?" Rashad asked the baker. With smiling eyes, he picked it up, and put it into a white cardboard box for them.

"That'll be ten dollars please." He grinned, before grabbing a sticker and sticking it on the box. "Is there a name that I can put on the box?"

"Marshall." Aaliyah quickly said. The baker nodded, and wrote 'Marshall' in his fancy cursive writing. Rashad passed him the money, and they walked out of the bakery, cake in hand.

"Do you think he's going to like it?" Rashad said, as the walked home. Was that even a question? Aaliyah knew that he wasn't going to just like it, he'd love it.

"Of course he will." Aaliyah smiled, tightly holding onto the box so she didn't drop it.

Once they arrived home, the smell of party food wafted through the house. All the party decorations were up now, and the place looked so bright and colourful. It was like their hallway had came to life.

"Wow that cake really is beautiful." Diane said, as Aaliyah placed the cardboard box down on the counter top. They took it out of the box, and put it onto a white plate. "We can surprise him with it and sing him happy birthday, after we have all eaten." Micheal suggested.

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