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As soon as Aaliyah and Rashad had left the hospital room, Kim started to talk. "What the hell is wrong with you? How could you turn down her offer?" She bitterly said, reaching down to put Hailie into her crib.

Marshall averted his gaze to the floor, he knew that Kim was going to react in this way. He took a seat on the chair besides the bed, blocking out everything she had just said.



"Marshall are you listening to me?"

Marshall looked up at her face, pale skin, with dark red rings around her blue eyes. She was still frail, from giving birth last night, there was no need for her to be getting so worried over nothing.

"Kim... I couldn't just take that money from her, it's not right." Marshall said, looking at Kim's sour expression.

"Does it look like I give a fuck about what's right and what's wrong? It is not like we are stealing money from her, she's offering."

Even if Kim was right, she still clearly didn't understand that Marshall didn't want to be dependent on anybody. They'd been together for years, how could Kim not realise that.

Nobody said anything for a while, the entire room was in silence, and an awkward one at that. "You know what Marshall. Fuck you. I'm not doing this for myself or for you. I want something nice for our daughter. Don't you care about her?" Kim exclaimed, igniting the quiet room with noise.

"I love that baby girl more then anybody on earth, so don't give me that bullshit. I'm going outside for some fresh air." He said, before walking straight out of the hospital room.

Kim sat back, staring at her baby. Asleep, oblivious to the world. Hailie had no idea about the world she had been brought into. She had no idea at how dark and corrupt the world could be (especially Detroit). Was it really a sin for Kim to want something good for her baby?

A few months later

"Here comes the airplane!" Marshall exclaimed, making a whooshing noise as he moved a green plastic spoon up towards Hailie's mouth. She giggled, but still refused to open wide for her vegetables.

"Hai Hai, open wide." Marshall then said, sounding a tiny bit more serious now, but Hailie still didn't budge. "Well... if you won't open wide... I guess the tickle monster will have to come out!" He laughed, putting the spoon back into the bowl, as he reached into the high chair.

Life had been difficult since Hailie had came home. Marshall had had to double his hours at work, just so he could buy her a decent high chair and push chair. But what made it worse was, that neither Marshall or Kim's parents would help to pay for anything for their granddaughter, they clearly didn't care, which hurt Marshall more then anything. He knew that he could of been in a much better situation, if they would of taken money from Aaliyah, but Marshall didn't want to think about that now.

And even though it's been hard with all these tough times that had been happening, he still had one thing to look forward too. The rap olympics. Tomorrow morning, he'd be taking a flight straight out to New Jersey, in hopes of bringing back some winnings.

Even after Kim tried to convince him to stay, he knew that winning this would help her more in the long run. The five hundred dollars prize, and a Rolex watch, was a pretty decent reward. A reward that Marshall needed desperately.

𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , 𝐀𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐇Where stories live. Discover now