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Aaliyah smiled to herself, as she reached over for her Walkman. Last year, her parents had bought her one for her birthday and she'd fell in love with it. The general idea of being able to listen to music quietly on there, instead of having it blasting like on her old boom box, was definitely more practical for her.

She carefully put her earphones in, and began playing a current favourite song of hers: What's Love got to do with it by Tina Turner. Smiling, she began humming the song, why was it so catchy?

At least, it was the weekend so Aaliyah didn't have to go to school, she could just relax and listen to music all day. And another bonus was that Rashad had gone to play football with some guys from school, and her mother and father were out grocery shopping. This meant, that she'd be able to sing freely, without having to be anxious that she'd be overheard by any of them.

As soon as it hit the chorus, Aaliyah began singing.

Oh-oh, what's love got to do, got to do with it?
What's love but a second-hand emotion?
What's love got to do, got to do with it?
Who needs a heart, when a heart can be broken?

"What do you mean you've forgotten your wallet?" Aaliyah's mother exclaimed, looking at him angrily. Aaliyah's mother and father, were sitting in the car outside the grocery store, rummaging through the glove compartment and the sides of the seats for his wallet.

"Let's just go back home and grab it, and we can come back." She insisted, putting the keys straight back into the ignition of the car.

They drove back in an annoyed silence, luckily, it wasn't an especially long drive. The grocery store was only three or four minutes away (give or take). "Wait here.. I'll go grab it." Aaliyah's mother sighed, and walked into the house.

What is that noise? At first she thought that it was the radio playing, but then she noticed the familiarity, this smooth voice was of Aaliyah. Smiling to herself, her mother discreetly made her way upstairs and quietly stood by Aaliyah's bedroom door, watching her sing in awe.

Her dark hair was messily in a ponytail, and she was wearing a white tank and sweats. How had she never heard her daughter sing before? Aaliyah's mother herself, was a singer, she wasn't very popular but like most people in the business, she knew talent when she heard it.


Aaliyah looked up at her mother and almost jumped out of her skin. She had no idea that her mother was going to be back so soon. Aaliyah pulled her earphones out from her ears, and stared awkwardly up at her mother.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Her mother asked her.

"About what?"

"Your voice! Holy shit can you sing." Her mother exclaimed, not even noticing that she cursed. Grinning even wider, she then pulled Aaliyah into a mother and daughter hug. Aaliyah smiled in relief, her mother liked it, that meant the world to her.

"It's just a hobby.." Aaliyah awkwardly began, looking shyly up at her mother. "A hobby? Aaliyah, you've got talent honey and you're calling this just a hobby? That's it, I think I'm going to enroll you into voice lessons." Her mother exclaimed.

Did she really think that Aaliyah's voice was so promising?

"Voice lessons? I don't know Ma.." Aaliyah began. She knew that if she ended up taking voice lessons, singing wouldn't just be a hobby anymore, it'd be something much more. But, she also knew that she would never make it big, the competition out there was vast and humongous, full of people with much more impressive voices then hers.

𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , 𝐀𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐇Where stories live. Discover now