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The rap olympics weren't being held in anywhere special. It wasn't an arena, like Aaliyah had expected when he had said 'olympics.' It was a nightclub like place, that was filled to the brim of people standing near the stage, or sitting near it.

"We are never going to get over to the stage with these bustling crowds!" Aaliyah shouted over the people, grabbing onto Marshall's sleeve so she didn't get lost amongst them all.

"I think there's a way through the back." Marshall then said, guiding her back out of the building. Marshall was right, there was a discrete door around the back, luckily they had been one of the small few that had actually noticed it.

"That's better." Aaliyah breathed out, as they entered a less crowded and quieter room. There were a few people in here, Marshall's competition probably. "How long till you're up?"

"Fifteen minutes." Marshall replied, taking a seat on one of the benches.

Aaliyah could hear the shaking in his voice, even though he clearly tried to hide it. "You'll do great alright."

"Marshall... look at me." She demanded

Marshall looked up into Aaliyah's chocolate brown orbs, and grinned. "I'm going to try get a space near the front of the stage." And with that, Aaliyah walked away into the area of bustling crowds.

Seeing the bunches of people, just made Marshall more nervous. But he knew he couldn't, no he knew that he wouldn't choke up on stage. He wasn't winning this for himself, this was to help his family out, there was no backing down now.

Aaliyah managed to get a spot quite close to the front of the stage, the only downside,was that she wasn't exactly central to it. Yet, she was close enough that she could almost touch it, she was standing around the side, so unless Marshall was focusing on one particular side of the room he wouldn't even notice her.

There was a couple rap battles between others competitors, before it was Marshall's turn anyway. Aaliyah didn't have the slightest idea of what his competitor was going to look like, or how talented they were, but something was telling her that Marshall was going to be better.

When the rap battles began, the lights dimmed and the spotlights showered the stage. At least this way it would be more difficult for Aaliyah to be noticed by an fans.

Marshall came on stage and that's when the whispers began. The audience was predominately black, and it wasn't often you'd see a white person up on stage at this sort of place.

His competitor was a tall muscular man, from somewhere like Spain. He had that sort of thick recognisable accent. He could rap fast, but nobody was too impressed so far. He could of been the greatest rapper of all time, but every word that left his mouth sounded like muffled gibberish. He had the mic so close to his lips, that he was practically making out with it.

Marshall didn't even have to say a word, he'd already won.

"Now, I think that is an obvious win for Eminem, do you all agree?" Exclaimed the referee like host of the battle.

The crowd roared in agreement, Aaliyah shouting with them. Even if the guy had been a hundred times better then Marshall, she still would of cheered for Marshall.

"So how'd I do?" Marshall grinned, wiping some sweat off of his forehead. It was only the first battle out of three and then the final. But that was if he made it that far.

𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , 𝐀𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐇Where stories live. Discover now